Malfoy the Amazing Bouncing Ferret

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Later that day I was sitting in the Great Hall with George, Dean, and Lee when Fred ran in looking rather frustrated. "Look at this!" He yelled as he plunked down next to George. A 'Potter Stinks Badge' was in his hands. "Who did this!" I said as I pulled it out of his hands. "Not sure." Fred said. 'He has hasn't talked to me in weeks' I thought. I looked away from him. "Look I'm sorry, Iz, about what I said. It was rude and I'm sorry." He said.

     "You don't think I know that? Well I do but waiting for this long to talk to me about it, was that really necessary?" I asked. " were just so angry so I though I you alone for awhile." He said as he scratched the back of his neck. "Well you know me well. I forgive you." I said with a sigh. We hugged but it was short and fast. "Ok now what?" George said. "It's free period so I'm going to hang out." I said. "I'll come with." Fred said. "Me too."George said. "Sounds good. See you guys later"I said to the other boys. They waved and we started down the hall.

     "You stink Potter!" I heard someone say. No one insults my friends! I thought as I ran towards the voice. "Excuse me." Harry said as he tried to pass through two students. "Move!" I yelled at them. They quickly moved aside. "Thanks." Harry said. "They are so gonna get it next time." I said, angrily. "It's ok, Iz." Harry said. "I came to talk to Cedric. Do you know we're he is?" He asked. "No I don't. But I'll help you find him." I said. 'What if Cedric was the one who made those badges.' I thought. 'Nah that would be horrible. I know Cedric to well.' 'But it is still possible. He has been mad at Harry for weeks' I argued against myself.

     "Izze? You ok?" Harry asked. "Um, yeah. Tell me what he says after you chat with him." I said. "Ok." Harry said before walking away. It was awhile before Harry came back looking pleased but partially sad. "Harry? Was it him?" I asked while stroking his arm. "Yeah, but he said he was sorry." He replied. "Well that works out perfect then."I said sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny but really don't be mad at him. His reputation is on the line." Harry said while smirking. I laughed. We both know how much Cedric's reputation means to him. Me being his friend is very helpful. "Yeah, so I'm not mad...not too mad." I added. Harry laughed.

     I walked over to Lee and Dean so I could tell them about the badges. They laughed, but a little hard smack made them stop. We were laughing again until Sir Bully-a-lot started insulting Harry. "I don't give a damn about what your father says, Malfoy! He vile and cruel and your pathetic." Harry said. Great come back! I thought. "Thanks for stating the obvious" I whispered to Lee. He laughed and I guess Dean heard too because he started laughing too. I spoke too soon. "Pathetic..." Malfoy muttered. He tried to take out his wand but then Moody turned him into a ferret! Moody started calling Malfoy names.

       A crowd stared to form. Harry and I were laughing our faces off until Professor McGonagal came and asked "professor moody, Professor, is, is that a student?" "Technically it's a ferret." Moody replied, still bouncing the ferret in the air. Then he stuck the Dracoferret in Goyle's pants. Now that was a show. The crowd had become even bigger than before and even Cedric was laughing. Moody turned around and winked at Harry. Finally McGonagal turned the Dracoferret into the 'real' Malfoy and he got up.

     He looked so embarrassed and scared but I did not care. 'He's vile and cruel' like Harry said. I laughed. "My father will hear about this!" Malfoy sneered before being chased by Mad-Eye. It was quite a scene. A man with one foot chasing a 'big bad' bully. Hilarious. "Is that a threat! Is that a threat! I can tell you stories about your father..." Moody yelled on but I was too weak from laughing so hard. "It doesn't remain here!" He finished.

      "Alastor! Alastor! We never use transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledore told you that!" McGonalgal scolded. "Might have mentioned it." Moody grumbled. "you'll do well to remember it!" McGonalgal yelled before shuing the audience away. Moody literally stuck his tongue out at Professor. It was really funny too. I was tempted to give him a high five but I remembered that feeling down in my gut that he was not someone I want to mess with. I watched Harry as he was lead off by Moody. 'I wonder'...I thought but instantly pushed the thought away and went back to the group.

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