Before the Ball

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(The picture is her dress and makeup)

     I woke up on the day of the ball and just jumped out of my bed with my bed head hair flying in my face. Then I realized what happened last night and frowned. I smiled and pulled Hermione's covers off her and pushed her out of bed. She fell on the floor with a thud and she groaned. "Come on sleepy head! Breakfast is waiting. Get you butt off the floor!" I said and out my hands on my hips. "Ugh! What was that for!" She yelled as she stood up. "I'm exited." I said teasingly. "I'm getting the twins!" She yelled and she ran out the door. "Noooooo! Wait!" I yelled but it was too late the boys were coming and I had nothing to defend myself with. I grabbed a pillow and I heard the door open but I didn't see anyone come in. I held the pillow beside my face and swung in the air. Nothing. I did it again. Nothing. Then someone picked me up from the back and swung me around and threw me on my bed. I was laughing crazily while the person straddled me and tickled me. "Stop. *laugh* stop *laugh laugh laugh*" I tried to yell but the person just kept tickling me. "Who *laugh* are *laugh* you *laugh*?" I asked. "Your worst enemy." They said. "Draco! Get off me!" I yelled. "Nah, I'm comfortable." They said after laughing a little. "Is it Fred or George?" I asked. "Not telling." They said. "I think it's Fred." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Please don't be mad at me." He said. Then he looked over at my dresser. I had the dress covered but he could tell. "Who are you going with then?" He asked sadly. "You first." I said smugly. "Luna." He said shortly. "Really? Aw. That's so sweet." I said truthfully. "Now you." He said. "Uh...don't get mad...please." I said. "I'll try, unless it's that Diggory kid.... I'm gonna freak." He said playfully. "Uh-oh..." I said. "No, it's not..." Fred said as he took off Harry's invisibility cloak and got off me. "Yes, yes, it is. I'm sorry it just it seemed like you weren't going to ask me." I said, guilty. "Why are you so against him, anyways?" I asked. "He's  just Ugh! Forget it! Ok? I'm done for right now." He said and he stalked out of the room. "You are so confusing you know!" I yelled at him. I took a deep breath and sat down. 'Ok I'm going to have the best day ever and I'm not going to let Fred ruin my perfect day' I told myself. "Hermione!" I yelled. She came in smirking. "Did you two have a good time?" She asked. "No, actually I'm going to date George now." I said sarcastically. "Well I'm glad that 'cleared you sinuses'" she quoted. Mr. Diggory says that all the time. "Nice one Mione." I said. "Ok I called you because I think it's time...for me to...MAKE YOU UP!" I yelled and I pushed her into the bathroom. I pushed her dress into her hands and locked the door. "Ok! I'm in and changing! Nice use of dramatic pauses." She said. I laughed. She walked out looking like a model and I said "Ron's going to be begging on his knees for you," and then I pushed her back into the bathroom and quickly grabbed my makeup kit.
     She walked out looking like amazing. "Ok now you turn, Iz!" She said and I was pushed into the bathroom with my dress and makeup kit.
    I walked out looking like a beautiful peach princess like my mom said. (picture at the top of this page) "You look beautiful!" Hermione said. "Not as pretty as you." I said as I blushed thinking I could never be as pretty as her. "Do that!" She exclaimed. "What? Blush?" I asked. "Yeah! You look so pretty when you do that. Fred will beg for a dance with you!" She said. "Ok i will." I said. "Ok. We'll need to get down there." She said. "Ok. Give me one sec." I said and grabbed my necklace that Fred gave me last year for my birthday which is December 3rd. It was a good heart locket and had beautiful diamonds on it and I almost kissed him right after he gave it to me. I was too chicken for that though. He had I little note that came with it too. 'Don't open it until you've found your true love' it said. I've kept it for good luck.

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