Last Day

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(Last chapter for this year)

Harry told me about Barty Crouch Junior and I was extremely sad. Harry and I comforted each other for a while until we finally had to leave for the funeral.

Dumbledore explained what happened to some of us before the funeral, but he told everyone during the funeral. He said that voldemort was back and he was the one who murdered Cedric. I was crying the whole time and Fred had a firm hold on me. He never let go for the whole funeral. I finally stopped crying and I thanked Fred for being so sweet. He just smiled.

The funeral came to an end and people started to say goodbye. I got at least 2 hugs from each student. It made me feel better.

We started talking and saying our goodbyes in the courtyard. "I'm so sorry about Cedric." Fleur said to me. "Oh, it's ok. We got to say our goodbye's." I said sadly. "Well, I hope I see you again! It was fun meeting you." She said. We do our girl hand shake then she leaves.

The Durmstrang ship floated off into the distance. Fred and I are standing at the door. "This year was sort of a disaster wasn't it?" He asks. "Yeah, I guess most of it was. But at least I got to spend it with you." "You can spend even more time at my house for part of the summer." He suggests, smiling his smile I know and love so much. "I guess you're stuck with me." I say, shrugging. Fred smiles and pulls me in for a hug. His arms encircled around my waist and my arms around his neck. This year wasn't just as bad as you think...

I Guess You're Stuck With Me (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now