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Nile's POV

I could feel the swelling in my face. Everything hurts and the way my head was resting right now was not helping. The familiar smell of cookies let me know exactly where I was. I looked up and was greeted by a room that was quickly becoming my favorite place to be. I was getting use to this. I was getting use to waking up with my left arm being numb and dark hair being splattered across it as well. I was up before her like always. I'm not sure how you develop a routine with someone who's not yours, but I have.

I lay still not wanting to wake her. This time I was not in a rush to go home. I honestly didn't care how much trouble I would get in, with him me getting in trouble was inevitable. So I wasn't going to rush a moment of peace. I have been in this room a couple of times, but I have never taken the time to analyze it. I looked at the blues and greens that made up the room. It was calming in more ways than not. My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden urge to pee. I can't remember the last time I peed and now the urge to pee was killing me. Pulling my hand gently from under her I watched her stir a bit before she settled for hugging a pillow. Once she was back to snoring softly I ran out to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do and came out.

" Good morning Nile" The voice caused me to Holt. It was not because of fear but more because I do not know how to exactly explain to Mr. DeVoux why I am in his house right now. Turning around slowly I came face to face with the man who basically saved my ass from being expelled. Now here I stood in his house for the second time without him knowing and sleeping in the same bed as his daughter. Yup! I wouldn't blame him if he wanted to kick my ass. I'd do it if I were in his position.

" Good morning Mr. DeVoux." Rubbing the back of my neck I tried not to show him that there were missiles currently going off in my stomach. He stared at me for a couple of minutes and I wonder what he was staring at until I remembered the swelling in my face. Damn it how am I supposed to explain this to him to? Man this is not a good way to start off with this guy.

" I told you to call me Axel that still stands." He said. The guy was taller than me and I had to look up to him. He was an intense man especially right now. He was ridiculously calm right now and that's what was scaring me. He was leaning against the stairwell drinking coffee and basically watching me squirm.

"Yes sir. I – I mean Axel." I stuttered out.

" I would ask you why you're in my house, but I know this isn't the first time." He said with a small smile. Yep today is the day that I am going to die. I've lived a pretty terrible couple of years , but I wasn't ready to die. " So what do you say you and I go out for dinner tonight and we can talk about a couple of things. What do you think about that?" He asked and I was almost scared to answer. Thank God I peed before I ran into him or else you could add pissing on his floor to the long list of things I have done that he could kill me for.

"Okay sir." As if saying no was an option.

" You can go back in there. I trust that you won't defile my daughter." He said. I cringed at the word defiled and thought back to the time Manny wore my shirt and my sweater. Crap I need to stop thinking about this stuff before next thing you know he reads my mind. " And you don't need to tell her about this little chat that we had. You can even keep the fact that I know that she's snuck you in twice. I trust her and I'll be damned I trust you too kid. We'll talk about the rest of this tonight. Remember the best killers are the calmest." He said then whistled as he walked away. What the hell? I don't know if I should go back in there or not. I shook that off and just went back into the room. Curly Sue was still sleeping still hugging the pillow that she replaced me with. Looking at the clock on the nightstand I made sure we wouldn't be late for school. There was still about an hour an a half until she had to get up , but I had to leave in a few minutes.

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