Can i have his kids?

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"Hey Manny come over here." Lex called when I got out of the car. At least she was the first person I saw. Today was definitely a day I didn't want to be bothered. I was running on only a few hours of sleep. I was the type of person who needed a solid 8 hours. My body was currently cursing me out and my attitude was the consequence of that.

"Hey Lex what's up?"

"Didn't get enough sleep did you darling?" How did she know that? "Don't question how I know just answer the question."

"Stop reading my mind. Now what's up?"

"Where's Mr. Silently sexy?" she asked looking around for Nile. It has been two weeks since I was assigned as his student guide. Two weeks of complete silence. He chooses not to talk and I angrily respect his decision. Respecting and being happy with are two different entities, because I was completely annoyed by it. I just wish I knew why and I wish he spoke. He would laugh occasionally though. So those little momentary burst of sound made it a little easier. His laugh was rich, real and uninhibited.

" He should be here soon." Checking my watch I questioned why we thought meeting at 7:45 was a good idea. Clearly you were not in the correct state of mind Manny. "Why are you here so early?

"Would you believe that they gave me early morning detention?"

"No I wouldn't because we don't have early morning detention. So real reason you're here?"

"Okay. I wanted a look at silently sexy before the vultures took over." Smiling widely at me she checked her reflection in the mirror.

"You came to school early for a boy?" I'm sorry. No boy is cute enough for me to lose sleep.

" What can I say? That boy makes my liver quiver." Lex said and with that I lost it. The obnoxious sound of my laugh coming out louder than I thought it would. My laugh honestly didn't sound like it belonged to me, but this is the one I have been blessed with. What was I supposed to do? "Plus you're here early, for a boy." Throwing a pointed look in my direction she smiled triumphantly.

"Liver quiver really Lex?" The words came out in between unstoppable giggles.

"Really! I like that he has this mysterious aura about him that just makes me want to take his clothes off."

"What?" Laughing I pushed her and we sat enjoying the cool breeze that usually came before the storm. The town was notorious for its storms, which was actually one of my favorite things about this town. I loved the smell before it rained and the breeze that smell was carried on.

"Look Manny not all of us are good virgins like you." That stung a little. I know she did not mean it in a teasing manner but it did hurt a bit. Why were people our age so obsessed with sex? I mean if we were honest sex is easy to come by. But love, the stuff that inspired some of the greatest poems, songs and novels, hard to find. Marco was more than willing to give me sex but I don't think I just want that. Actually I knew I didn't want that. I want the stuff that girls in cliché movies were so hung up on.

Adjusting my skirt I tried to push the comment out of my mind. " You know I'm just joking with you Manny." Lex said quickly and I just waved her off.

"Its good, you can go back to talking about ripping Nile's clothes off."

"Wait what about Nile?" Lex asked while texting.

"You know Nile, clothes, ripping them off of him." Lex smiled evilly at me and confusion took its place on my face. A throat clearing caused me to jump and I turned to see Nile standing by the gate. His arm folded across his clearly defined chest and a devilishly handsome smirk on his face.

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