I'm Vegan

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Lex's Point of view

"So I don't know anywhere around here, but uncle mike said I couldn't go wrong with a burger spot." Jacob said simply as he grabbed hold of the door handle. Looking at his face I couldn't tell if he was nervous or not but his voice didn't give anything away.

"Oh wow." Scratching the back of my head I tried my hardest to keep a straight face. " I'm actually vegan." I said quietly. The loose curls in my hair falling as I looked down.

"Damn it." Slipped from his lips as the tips of his ears and his entire neck became beet red. His steps halted in front of me causing me to collide into his back.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He stammered out. All the nervousness that he was try to conceal bursting at the seams. "Umm where would you like to go instead ?" He asked running his fingers through his dark hair.

Deciding to take pity on the poor guy I let out the laugher I've been holding in. "Relax pretty boy. I was joking." I replied pushing the door open to the best burger spot in the town and trust me I've been to all of them.

"Lex!" Amber, one of the waitresses, called out as she walked pass the door and saw us. "You're new." She threw at Jacob as she rushed past us with the tray of food in her hand.

" so I'm guessing you like burgers" Jacob leaned down and whispered in my ear as I was looking for a booth for us to sit in. His breath tickled my ears making the hair on my neck stand at attention. Keeping my face straight I fought the urge to lean Into him. Locating the booth I wanted I led the way knowing Jacob would follow me.

"So what else should I know about you besides the fact that you're a liar ?" He asked trying to hide the smile tugging at his full lips. He looks so much like Nile it's scary. However, they were different. If you looked at them long enough you saw small differences between the twins.

"Hey! I'm not a liar! I had a question and I needed an answer." I shrugged tossing my blonde hair over my shoulders. I watched as Jacob's eyes followed the movement before confusion etched its way onto his face.

"What was you're question?" He asked leaning forward with his elbows on the table. His jacket was now removed and a tattoo peeked out from his short sleeved shirt. It looked like a date.

"Whether or not I made you nervous. Do I unnerve you Jacob ?" I stated plainly. There was no point in trying to lie about it. I always made it a point to ask the question I wanted answered

"In the best way." He replied confidently. His eyes daring me to break the unofficial staring contest we had going on right now.

"Hey Lex, you want your usual?" Jace our waiter asked as he arrived at our table. Skillfully he poured our water and stared at me waiting for me to respond. I nodded as I replied to him trying to keep eye contact with my date. However, my love of food forced me to look away.

"Yes please and extra avocado on the burger please." I smiled brightly at Jace.

"And for you?" Jace turned to Jacob who was still looking at me with amusement clearly written across his face.

"I'll have the buffalo chicken burger with waffle fries."

"Okay I'll be right back." Jace said leaving us alone again.

"You even have a usual, you liar" Jacob said as laugher spilled from his lips. His laughter literally sounded and felt like happiness. I joined in and we laughed about my lie before changing subjects.

The rest of the date went off without a hitch. We ate and laughed. He teased me about how serious I was about food because all conversation ceased once my burger was in front of me.

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