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" Is that you Panda?" 

"No dad it's a mask murder with a key coming into kill you." 

" Your sarcasm is not needed young lady. Now come and help me cook." He says taking the bags from my hand and placing a chaste kiss on my forehead. 

"You don't know who you raised do you? Cook that's cute daddy."  Stealing a carrot I ran out of the room and made my getaway once more. I turned on the radio and swoon starts blasting. It was still pretty early and I knew sleep was not an option. I am one of those weird people where once I'm up I am up and if I take a nap sleep is not coming for a long time. Dancing along to the music I let my mind wander which lately is not a good thing. My brain tends to go to two places the first being Nile and the second being what the hell is wrong with Nile.   Thank God for cellphones and a friend who doesn't care about waking me.

"Hey Lex." I answer my best friend.

"Did hell freeze over?"

"What do you mean?" I ask throwing myself on the bed.

" Its not 3 yet and you're awake." Rolling my eyes I wait for her to continue. " Anyways it's a good thing you're up I need your help like now."

"What's wrong?" I ask 

" I got a date tonight and I need your help with two things. The first with finding me an outfit and the second is to cover for me." She rambles quickly knowing I tend to shut people out when they ramble.  However I heard the beginning and end of what she said perfectly. Lex dad is strict, so dating is not even an option in his eyes. As far as he is concerned Lex cannot date until she is dead and buried. He even told Lex if the guy truly loves her he would be willing to dig up her bones. I mean that is the measure of true love right? Wrong. So whenever Lex has a date we say she is hanging out with me.

"Fine and fine." I answer because we've gotten to the point in our friendship where questions aren't even necessary anymore. "Do you want to go to the mall?" 

"Well I was hoping to shop in this little boutique called La Manny." 

"You're annoying." I laugh. "Hurry up and come."

"Actually I'm downstairs talking to you're dad." 

Staring at the phone in disbelief I head downstairs only to find Lex in the kitchen with my dad. They were laughing as dad showed her some weird thing he was cooking. Rolling my eyes I watched as my best friend more like my sister. 

"Come here kid and help me." 

" No can do daddy dearest. I got to help my beautiful friend here find an outfit." Grabbing Lex's hand I pull her out the door. "Run for it Lex"

"You should be an actress." Dad shouts from the kitchen.

We made it all the way up to my room and within and instant Lex was in my closet. Her long hair cascading down her back and following obediently behind her. As she pushed hangers aside pulling things off and throwing them on.

"Whose your date with by the way?" 

" Oh no one just Micah?" Lex mumbled with a dress stuck over her head.

"Really? How'd you swing that"?

"Excuse me who wouldn't want to get with this ?" 

              Sometimes you just have to choose not to answer Lex. After about an hour she found the perfect outfit. Which consisted of leather skater skirt and a crop top.  Then another thirty minutes of hair curling and I was finally done being a good friend. Holy Guacamole I could not be happier. However now it was time to get ready for yet another freaking party. 

"Are you coming back here tonight or going home?"

"Yea I'll be back around midnight."

" Have fun but not too much fun."

"Is Nile coming tonight to your dads get together?" Lex asked before grabbing her jacket.

"Shut up." With that she speeds down the road.

God I hope he'll be here tonight I think silently before mentally hitting myself.  I quickly ran through my routine honestly do not listen to what people say a determined girl can be ready in under twenty minutes. With another glance over I race downstairs praying I do not trip. Dad moved all the furniture to on side to make a makeshift dance floor. I guess tonight I get to witness old people dance. Its actually pretty funny once they're liquored up. The usual people are here with a few unfamiliar faces.

" Hey gorgeous come dance with your daddy-o"

"Never say daddy-o ever again." I say taking his hand and moving to the beat. Dad twirls me around and dips me causing me to laugh. He does a little two-step thing and pretty soon dad and I are dancing and laughing like idiots. I catch glimpse of other people paired up and can't help the smile on my face. That is until one pair catches my eye and making me let go of dads hand. As if one cue swoon starts to play. SUCK A DUCK

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