It's My Fault

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Author's Note: Heyy guys first of all THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all of you who contributed to the 90k reads!! Thank may not mean much to some people but it is amazing to me!! I'm actually proud of how quick this update came out! Please vote and comment I LOVE reading your comments !

Nile's P.O.V

            The house was quiet when I got in, I looked out the window to make sure Manny's car was gone. I really did not need her in here because I wouldn't be okay with anything happening to her. Walking further into the house the stale smell of cigarettes assaulted my nose. There were beer bottles smashed on the floor and the television was on, but the sound was off. As I walked further into the house I saw Darren passed out at the bottom of the stairs. He must have been trying to go upstairs and blacked out. Clenching my fist I threw it out stopping just a couple of inches away from his face. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to feel even a portion of the pain he has caused me throughout my life. The anger I held inside for him went deep down to the very core of my soul.

            However, pulling myself away from him, I stepped quietly over his body praying that he would not wake up. Walking up the stairs I made sure I was quiet because I didn't know where my stepmom was and she played a role in this as well. She was just as guilty as he was. Their bedroom door was closed bringing me a little bit of ease. Making my way to Aria's room I hoped that she was okay. I found her laying on her bed her eyes closed, but I knew she was fake sleep. Whenever Darren would be on one of his rampages she would have trouble sleeping, but she would pretend to because she was afraid.

            "Hey, hey little lady." I called to her quietly so she wouldn't be afraid. When her eyes popped open I closed her bedroom door behind me. Sitting in front of her bed I examined her tear stained face. She didn't give me much time to do so because she swiftly wrapped her arms around my neck burying her face into my shoulder. Within a few seconds I could feel the wetness of her tears on my shirt. Hugging her tightly I tried to reassure her that I was there. Honest to God I never thought he would hurt her. She was their kid. Lila, her mom didn't divorce my dad, so he had to right to hate her. Pulling her back I examined her face yet again. Her left cheek was bright red and she winced at my touch. " Tell me what happened." I said pulling out my cellphone to text Manny. I needed to get Aria out of this house for a bit.

            "He was looking for you." She hiccupped. " I heard him calling your name and he sounded so scary. He was outside and mommy was giving me dinner." Laying her head on my shoulder Aria yawned. Rubbing my hand on her back I tried to stop her from shaking as she continued to cry. Clothed only in sweatpants and a undershirt I knew she was cold, but I didn't want to move her yet until she finished telling me what happened.

            "Daddy came in and he was drinking. Mommy had went upstairs after she gave me dinner and I was sitting eating." Hiccup. " Daddy watched TV while I ate. I made a mistake Nile. I made a mistake." She started crying a bit more.

            "Its okay. Tell me what happened."

            " I spilled my milk on the table and daddy got mad and started yelling. He told me I was bad and he- he." Her body shook and she hid her face in my shoulder. I didn't ask any more questions. Trying to control my anger I held on to her lightly, but tight enough to let her know I was there and that I would protect her. As she cried in my arms I could help, but remember how scared I was when she was born. When Lila got pregnant Darren became a completely different person. He waited on Lila hand and foot and he rarely ever got drunk during those nine months. I remember thinking that things were going to be different. When Aria was born he called her, his second chance. However, that only last about a few months. Then he was right back where he always was passed out with a bottle in his hand. I could feel the rage coursing through my body as I thought about the man who should have been my example of a man. What kind of man put his hand on his daughter? Aria's soft snores calmed me a bit. She was fast asleep. It broke my heart that she cried herself to sleep. I need to get her out of here.

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