Story Update!

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                First, wow thank you all so much for all the love you guys have shown this story! Your comments are the absolute best and have made me fall in love with this story even more. So thank you so much for that. I wanted to update you all about a few things concerning this story and also be a little more active on this platform. SO LET'S DO THIS!

First thing first (I'm the realest) <-- I apologize for the iggy moment

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First thing first (I'm the realest) <-- I apologize for the iggy moment

            1. I am currently in the process of editing this story for several reasons. One of the reasons is because my writing style has changed a bit. (YAY growth)

             2. While editing I have realized a few things I LOVE THIS STORY and I don't think this story is done yet. With that being said Changed me is going to be a series!!! 

 With that being said Changed me is going to be a series!!! 

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              3. The second book, Shaped Me, is coming sooner than you think. So please show it some love. 

Shaped Me description:

"Is this always how it's going to be?" There it was the question we each longed to ask but refused to voice. In a moment's notice, we had gone from being carefree teenagers to being on high alert. Survival skills kicking in as we braced ourselves. I could feel the rise and fall of Nile's chest as he held me in place. His hand mindlessly stroking up and down my back. His intoxicating smell is doing nothing for my racing nerves.  I thought this part of our story was over. I thought the past no longer had a say in who we are but here it was, continuing to shape us...


With the pressure and trauma of sophomore year behind them, Manny and Nile are ready to embark on the new school year. Excited to simply be teenagers and figuring out this thing called love they are ready for a chance to just be. However, catty girls and teenage boys may be the least of their worries. Life is a story with twists and turns. You just have to live, learn and enjoy the ride. Sometimes it is the things we least expect that shape us the most.This is book #2 in the "Changed Me" Series

I would love to connect more with all of you and read your stories as well so please suggest them to me!! Thank you all again I greatly appreciate all of your kindness. 


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