Plain Blue Doors

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" Hospital coffee is horrible." Jacob said dumping his second cup in the garbage. " I keep trying to make it taste better, but it still taste like ass." Lex looked at him and smiled. Her face held an expression I have never seen before. 

"Then why do you keep drinking it?" Lex asked still smiling at him.

"It's either that or my saliva since the stupid vending machine isn't working." 

" I told you to grab something from the house when we were there." Lex's said simply. The two bickered as if they've known each other all of their lives.

Walking over to her Jacob sat next to her and began playing with Aria. They got back to the hospital about twenty minutes ago and praise God they brought clothes with them. Aria seems to have taken a liking to Jacob. I mean he was a mirror version of Nile so she probably didn't even care.

" Thanks for bringing me clothes." I told Lex. She was staring at Aria and Jacob playing while I was watching my dad talk to Nile's stepmom. I have been trying to get my dads attention by staring at him. I wanted to know what they were talking about.

" You're welcome. It gave me time to go shopping in your closet anyway. Plus I know how much you love that sweater." 

Looking down at Nile's orange hoodie that adorned my body I smiled softly. "Wait what did you take out of my closet?"

"Oh sweetie, that's not what you should be focusing on right now." Rubbing me lightly on the back she began shushing me. My closet was probably in Jacob's car if Lex hasn't already took it to her house. " But don't worry about it baby doll I am going to look amazing when we go back to school and it will all be because of you. You're such a giver"

"I'm Doctor Morgan." A soft voice called from the doorway.He interrupted what was probably going to be an inventory list of all my missing clothes. The scrub-clad man was holding a chart and waiting for someone to respond. However, none of us did. I think we were each coaxing the words out of him. " I am looking for the family of Nile Austin."

" I'm his mom." His stepmother step forward and professed. People in China probably just heard my eye roll. Is this woman serious?

"The hell she is." The words slipped out before I could grab hold of them. They all turned and looked at me, their faces each held expressions of pure amusement. Everyone except his stepmother of course. "She is not his mother." This time I did not even try to hold the words back. I meant them and dared her to challenge them.

"I'm his Uncle." Uncle Mike spoke up for the first time. Moving past his stepmother he stood directly in between the two of them. The doctor seemed to look at me for confirmation and I nodded slightly. If the situation were not so pressing I would have laughed. However, I was too busy waiting to hear him say what he was trying to say.

"Surgery went well, however there is a slight swelling in his brain. We put him in medically induced coma and we'll be monitoring him." His words brought relief and then worry all over again. Everyone stood listening, I don't think the words have fully registered to us.

"Can we see him?" Uncle Mike finally asked the question that has been on the tip of my tongue. Watching the doctor attentively I awaited his response.

"Well visiting hours are over in about ten minutes so I think that is enough time for one person to visit."

"Manny you can go see him." Uncle Mike said quietly. He was still looking at the doctor as he spoke and I could see how tense he was.

"No it's okay you can go in. I'll visit him tomorrow." I smiled softly. Part of me was actually a little happy not seeing him tonight. If I came to see him tomorrow it gives me time to emotionally prepare.

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