Green is your color sweetheart

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            "You okay kiddo?" Dad asked putting his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him.

            "Yea I just had enough dancing and I am kind of hungry." I made a b-line for the kitchen avoiding the obnoxiously happy dancing couples. Like why are people so happy? Chugging a can of orange soda I tried to regain my cool. The song finally came to an end and so did my momentary jealously.

            "Hey Manny isn't this so fun?" Karina asked while trying to catch her breathe. Adorned in a tight red dress bringing the statement "devil in a red dress" to my mind. You know when someone makes you mad and they have no clue they did something wrong doesn't that just make you more mad? I mustered up the most genuine smile I could find deep inside and nodded.

            "Yea it is."

            "That new kid Nile is actually really nice. He and I have been talking a lot tonight." You bat was the first thing that came to my mind because well just cause. I mean the party has only been on for like ten minutes, what the crap can you find out about a person in ten minutes their name? Manuela get a grip. However, part of me can't help but feel a little hurt that I have to work hard for the boy to say six words to me , but he just talks to her.

            " Yea he is."

            "Granted he doesn't reply much but he is an amazing listener." Good job Nile. I say talking to myself.

            As if he heard his name being said Nile walked in looking like a steamy cup of white chocolate. His shirt tucked in and a cardigan that made his hazel eyes pop. I watched as he grabbed a soda taking a seat on one of the stools across from Karina, who shamelessly let her eyes travel the length of his body. Karina began to talk to him and I watched him stare at her and occasionally nod in response.

            "Kiddo come out her for a second please." I heard my dad yell out for me.

            "I'm coming."

            " Mrs. Monroe wants to know if you will babysit for her tomorrow?" Parents suck they sucker you into doing things by letting the person ask you in front of them. Mrs. Monroe stood before me with a smile it looked as though her cheeks were about to split. How am I supposed to say no? I guess that does it I'm babysitting tomorrow.

            "I would love to."

            "That is great. Elias just loves you and Lizzie is starting to get use to people." She spoke proudly of her children and I smiled longing to be dismissed from this trap. As soon as she finished her proud mama speech I hugged her and left.

            "Hey sweetheart you not talking to me?"  Is it possible for just a sound to make you tremble?

            " You seem to busy." I threw back at him.

Staring at me as if I grew six heads the corner of Niles mouth twitched upwards. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I see you with Karina." Suck a duck did I just say that. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks and like clock work my bottom lip was in my mouth.

"Green is your color sweetheart."

"Stop calling me that." I retorted needing to steer the conversation in a different direction without ending it.

"What would you like me to call you?"

"Well my name is Manuela however like I told you before everyone calls me Manny." I said making my way outside to escape the hot house crowded with people.

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