does that make me your daddy?

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The thunder continued but the rain did not start yet. Nile took Elias to the kitchen because the thunder had him all shaken up. Lizzie lay in my arms as I rocked her hoping she would go back to sleep. Their parents were not due back for another two hours so I had to give them lunch and pray this storm did not hit until their parents came home. Lizzie started to fuss as we made our way to the kitchen.

            "Okay buddy pb&j for you, ham and cheese for me."

            "Annie gets turkey and cheese."

            "Yea buddy!"

            I stood at the doorway watching them while trying to calm Lizzie. When she finally did we all ate.           After lunch Elias begged to watch the emperors new groove so we popped it in and watched. The rain started a soft and slow rhythm at first. Eli sat close to Nile and Lizzie lay in the playpen. Slowly the rain began to pour and thankfully Eli had fell asleep.

            "Manuela" Mr. Monroe's voice broke through the noise of the television followed by a door closing. I met him at the door and he shook out his umbrella.

            "Hi Mr. Monroe."

            "How were the kids today? I hope they were well behaved." He flashed me a smile as he went to the living room. I watched as Nile tried to get up but Mr. Monroe waved him off.

            "No don't get up if he wakes up I won't get an hour of peace." Mr. Monroe said gently picking Eli up from Niles side. They shook hands and introduced themselves. He paid and thanked me.

            My dad is not the weatherman. If he was he would have told me it was going to pour and I would not be wearing a tank top and shorts. Dialing his number I wait for him to answer.

            "Before you say anything I am sorry kiddo. I can't talk though I'm in the office." With that he hung up. Peeking out the window I check to see the damage. The sky was dark and in a weird way beautiful. Rain fell beating the branches and covering the entire town in a wet blanket.

            "Take this." I turn around to face Nile only for him to thrust his hoodie at me. I looked at him for a second to see if he was being serious. His face left no room for protest. Taking the hoodie I pulled it over my head. The sweater fit like a dress and it made it look like I had no pants on. Nile pulled the hood on my head and his hand grazed my cheek leaving a scorching trail while at it. We said our goodbyes to Mr. Monroe.

            "How'd you get here?" I asked Nile.

            " Walked."

            "So I'm driving you home?" I asked an obvious question. Lightening lit the sky and thunder boomed as soon as we stepped out side. I stumbled backwards and backed into Nile who took hold of my arm. I loved storms, but only when I was in pajamas in my bed watching a good movie or reading a book. Driving in storms I have not done nor do I want to do.

            "Hey you're shaking." Nile said turning me around to face him. I didn't like being so close to him, but if I had to choose the storm or him I'd choose him. " Are you okay?"

            "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask trying to sound like thunder did not scare the crap out of me. Thunder roared again causing me to jump once more and answering Niles question.

            The smug idiot looked at me smiling knowing well and dandy that I was scared. I hadn't realized that his hand was still on my arm.

            "Do you want me to drive?" he asked

            " Are you going to hurt my baby?"

            "Didn't I tell you I wouldn't hurt you baby" He said.  You walked right into that one Manny. His words caused heat to rush to my face. I could not look at him so I just handed him the keys. He drove and we sat in a comfortable silence as I let what he said replay in my head. Is it weird that I liked the way the word baby sounded coming from his mouth, and the fact that he said it referring to me made me like it even more. Oh Manny.

            It was still pouring by the time we reached my house. I did not even bother asking Nile if he was taking my car or coming inside I left him no other choice but to come in. The wind pushed me as I walked and I weirdly enjoyed it. If thunder was not involved in the storm I would be cool. By the time we made it inside we were soaked. Niles hoodie felt like it weight a ton. The wind pushed against the door making it hard for me to close the already heavy door. I pushed and the wind pushed back. Nile helped me push and the door finally closed. Sliding down I sat on the floor trying to catch my breath from all the energy I just exerted. Nile stood over looking down at me. His long sleeved shirt was soaked and sticking to his body. Water drips from his hair. A few drops falling until one hits me directly on the nose breaking me out of my trance.

            "Well I'm going to get changed. I think my dad should have a shirt and pants that you can borrow so I'll brb."

            I race upstairs trying my hardest not to slip. The last thing I need is another embarrassing moment. My hair is completely soaked and slaps me in the face when I take the ponytail out. I pull on a pair of pajamas and grab clothes from my dads room. I took a guess and knowing Nile I got him a long sleeved shirt.

            "Nile I got the clothes. Where are you?" I ask not seeing him by the door where I left him. Not to sound like a punk little girl but is this not the perfect setting for a horror movie.

            " Here" His voice comes from behind me and I jump.

            " The next time you do that I'm going to punch you in the face." I reply hoping I actually sound scary.

            "We'll see about that."

            Nile grabs the clothes and leaves me to go change. I send a quick text to dad to see when he would be coming home. Usually he gets home around eight so he should be home in like a hour. I wait for him to reply but it does not come.

            "You crinkle your nose when you're worried sweetheart." Nile says.

            "And you are annoying." This earned me a smug look from the loser. I gave him a once over and he looked different in my dad's clothes. However, he still looked like himself.

            "Look at you dressed in my dads clothes." I laughed.

            "Does that make me your daddy?" He says walking towards me. How did I walk into that one so easily? I start chewing on my bottom lip.

"I liked you better mute." I lie.

Nile walks even closer well aware that I am starting to get flustered. Pushing my hand out I create distance between us. Just as he takes his final step thunder roars and the lights switch off. What the hell kind of messed up movie is this. I can feel Nile's body tense up and I switch the flashlight on my phone on

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