Are you a mute?

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Who said school should be a thing? Who thought that being mentally stimulated early in the morning was okay? It was probably the same people who get their kicks and giggles from doing equations. Groaning I reluctantly left my bed to rush through my morning routine. Granted my beauty regimen was lacks in comparison to other girls. One a good day when I wanted to feel like someone I went the extra mile, but today was not that day. My bun is tight; backpack is stocked with books I probably will not open so that is a check. Zero desire to be in that building that is also a check. I'm as ready as I will ever be.

"Crap" the clock on the nightstand; read "8:35" see the problem with that is my first class starts at eight thirty. The school was fifteen minutes away so by the time I get there I will not just be late I'd be super late and I have freaking Mr. Walsh first today.

"Sorry dad." I thought out loud as I got into the car. i already knew my driving would piss him off if he saw me. It's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission right? Speeding through the streets I tried to obey as many traffic laws as possible. The bell rang as soon as I parked the car. "Oh cuss word," I screamed.

"Miss DeVoux I do not appreciate tardiness in my class." Mr Walsh said without turning to look at me. I could practically see the mustache moving as he spoke.

"I am sorry." I did not bother trying to come up with an excuse. I am a terrible liar. I add too many unnecessary details.

"You can be sorry during lunch time detention." I grunted and just walked to my seat.

"I like a bad girl." Marco said with a wink. Would it be rude if I told him to take his like and swallow it? Or I could shove it down his throat. Unfortunately I think that might turn him on and that certainly wasn't the goal. Instead I chose to ignore him and sit down.

"Hey Manny did you hear?"

"Hear what Beth?"

"There's a new boy and I heard he is as scrumptious as a chocolate chip cookie." Instead of images of a hot boy images of my dog flooded my brain. I wonder if Cookie was human if he would be attractive. Do normal people think about that? "Word around school is that he's quite a cutie." How can there be word around school when school has not been in session for even an hour? Beth was the school gossip and also one of my friends. However Beth worked faster than the paparazzi and her tactics were more annoying.

"I wonder if he wants to take Jason's spot." Laughing I was surprised by her words. Beth and Jason have been dating since I moved here. They were the cutest things since tinker bell. However, they always claimed they were on the verge of breaking up. Even with all the rumors every girl knew not even to look at Jason and vice versa for Beth.

"Better not let Jason hear that."

"Jason can kiss my toe."

"He probably has already." I throw back at her. The look on her face lets me know that I might just be right about that. "Ewe. That's gross."

We stopped talking when we saw the school guidance counselor walk in. She was adorned in her low cut shirt and short skirt. She was quite the flirt that one and no one really went to talk to her by free will. She was the female guidance counselor so she worked with the girls and Mr. Klein worked with the guys. I think all of us would prefer Mr. Klein over Miss Thorne. We all thought her and Mr. Walsh had a thing going on.

"Sorry to interrupt your class Mr. Walsh, but we have a new student who will be joining you." I saw the guy from last night and was not surprised at all. In this town new people were a rare commodity. Most of the people who are here were born and raised here. So when a new person came it was like Christmas day I should know. When I first came to this town everyone wanted to be my friend now I have like ten and I am good with just that.

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