Don't make promises you can't keep. (Niles P.O.V)

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I watched as Manny flipped the switch on and off hoping the lights would turn back on. She moved from left to right, and from light switch to light switch. Her hair a wild mess of curls followed obediently behind her as she moved. I watched her small frame and wanted nothing more than to grab her and help her relax, but I have no right to her.

            "What the crap?" She yells. " Is this someone's idea of a joke?" Turning to face me she looks at me as if waiting for an answer. When I don't respond she continues to go spastic.

            " What the crap how did the lights cut off?" Manny asks " The storm you idiot." She replies

The girl is funny she goes on asking questions and answering them all by herself.  Trying not to laugh I leave her in the living room to go search for candles. I found some and looked for some more things to get us through this blackout. It's hard enough trying to navigate a house in the dark especially a house that is not yours. Looking through hall closets I find what I'm looking for and start setting up. The entire time Manny is dialing away on the phone completely unaware of my presence.

            "Dad it's Manny can you please, please call me. Please. Love you." The worry is evident in her voice and again it makes me want to make it better. However, me making it better would mean having to open up to her and that is something I will not do. I can't do. So once again I push the idea out of my mind.

            "Hey Manny come here." I hear her let out a sigh as she makes her way over to me. For the first time since the few weeks I have known her I actually look at her. Manny is quite the sight she has huge brown doe eyes and her dark skin looks soft, and a mess of curls that reaches her mid back frames her face.  She walks over to me placing my hands on her shoulders I turn her gently so she is facing the fort I made.

            "What is this?" I can hear the smile in her voice that makes me happy.

            "Get in." She did without question and I knew I had done something right.  Leaning back against the sofa she stretches out, but still stares at her phone. It will take some work to get her to calm down but we're off to a good start.

            Following her inside I make sure I'm not too close to her. Nile what the hell man she is just another girl. I say to myself trying to calm my racing heart. Usually I did not put this much effort into a girl but this girl intrigues me.

            "So fort builder what are we doing?" She ask still not looking at me but looking at the phone. I grab it and pray she does not chew my head off.

            "Nile give it back." She reaches for it but I hold it away. "Please I need to know if my dad is okay."  Her voice has genuine worry in it.

            "How about the moment it buzzes I give it back."

            Crinkling her nose she contemplates my offer. "Fine but as soon as it buzzes you have to give it to me pinky promise?"

            "What are we five?" I ask looking at her out stretched finger.

            "Do it!" She lets out a sweet laugh that fills my ear and is contagious. However, I do as she says and the brat pulls her hand away. Sticking her tongue out at me she grabs her phone while I'm not paying attention.

             We sit in the fort for a while talking about random topics. We don't speak about anything too personal just the basics.

            "What's your favorite color?"

            "Blue" I answer.

            "You should have said brown."


            "Because my eyes are brown duh." She says bravely  "I am just joking."

Laughing off her previous statement Manny goes back to staring at her phone. Wrinkles line her nose as she runs her hand furiously through her hair.

            "What's wrong cupcake?"

            Pulling a face " Eww never call me that again."

                        "I like it cupcake."

                        "I promise you I won't answer."

                        " Don't make promises you can't keep now answer my question." I say waiting for her to answer. Before she could answer her phone rings and she up and out of the fort in a blink of an eye. Speaking animatedly I watch her fling her arms widely. I watch ever move she makes completely entranced by her. Relaxing I lean back knowing that whoever called was making her happy and I slowly let my eyes drift off of her.

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