Not too shabby

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            My bed feels like a cloud. Pulling the blankets tighter around me I stare at the ceiling. It is homecoming day, and I am up at seven am. I do not like mornings and I will never be a morning person. Butterflies invade my stomach as I think about getting all dolled up. However, shortly after knots replace the butterflies as I remember who's my date. I can honestly say I am both excited and annoyed about homecoming. The freaking assembly yesterday was such crap. From the moment Beth dragged me in there I saw Sasha staring daggers at me. I didn't even want to be nominated for homecoming queen. I watch Nile sit next to her staring off into space and their proximity: although, not intimate still made me jealous. The assembly basically broke down the events for homecoming weekend. First, they told us about the stupid parade. That's another thing I don't want to do, be in the parade. I would have to sit in a car next to Marco as the car drives down the street in front of our school. If that was not bad enough I have to wear a shirt that he made for me, as well as make a shirt for him. I want to punch everything.  Why do people intend on making me a violent person. Then, I have to go to the football game and sit with the rest of the people from homecoming court.  This whole thing is turning me into such a whiney person. I think I have complained more in this pass week than ever before.

            Marco is supposed to be at my house in thirty minutes, so that we can exchange shirts. Staring at the black shirt on my bed with white marker and a few iron-on pieces I think about his shirt for me. I am just praying it is nothing that will make me want to run him over with a tractor. Running down the steps the smell of bacon assaults my nose and makes my stomach smile. That means dad is making breakfast. Oh happy day. Letting cookie out from the basement I kiss him on the nose and then place him down. He makes a mad dash for the sofa and nuzzles into it. His white fur stood out against the black leather couch.

"My daughter is up on a Saturday without being forced. I think that means aliens are coming." Dad says handing me the cup of juice he was drinking.

Laughing humorlessly "You're hilarious. NOT"

Dad places a plate of bacon, eggs, and waffles on my plate. I so believe in love at first sight because I just fell in love staring at this plate.  Drowning my waffles in syrup I don't hesitate to fork the waffles in my mouth. Savoring the taste of the buttery waffles and the sweetness of the syrup I continue to eat.

"So would you like to tell me why I had to find out from Mrs. Jones that my daughter is going to homecoming with her son?"

Choking on my waffle I take a sip of the juice. Crap I knew I forgot to tell him something. I thought it was just about the dress. Smiling I look at his now serious face. I don't like when my dad gets serious. It was just out so out of character.

"Dad I am going to homecoming with Marco Jones."

"Oh well thanks for telling me Panda. You know I want to talk to the boy when he comes to pick you up." Uh oh he called me Panda.

"Dad it is not even like that. I don't like this boy."

" I don't care if you like him. He's leaving the house with my favorite daughter so I need to talk to him."

"I'm your only daughter and your only child"

"That automatically makes you my favorite duh."

Nodding I finish eating and jump in the shower. I take my time washing my hair to get it ready for Lex to straighten it. Tying my hair up I take my time getting ready Marco can wait. I put on light eye make up to maintain a natural look and a little shiny lip-gloss. I settle on a black tank top, ripped white jeans and black ankle booties. Whatever shirt Marco makes is bound to go with this.  "This the song they gonna play, on every station every day" blares from my phone, which only means one thing text from Lex.

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