Kiss me Please

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Author's Note: Hi guys we are getting so close to the end of this story! I hope you all enjoy these update and please please vote and comment. I love reading your comments!


After getting Aria back to the house undetected I made my way back to the shed. Manny dropped us off here early in the morning. Honestly I was surprised we got here in one piece her eyes drifted close more than once. Uncle Mike was staying at a hotel near by so he was completely unaware of everything that was going on. He did not see us leave this morning or anything like that. The idea of telling Uncle Mike everything that was happening between Darren and I gave me nothing but anxiety, the kind of anxiety that made your heart race and stomach churn. Lying back on the small cot in the shed that was my room I thought about different ways to tell him. I thought about the fact that Jacob was coming today. I don't even know how that is going to go. The last time I saw my brother was before puberty hit and before life took a turn for the insane. I was just waiting for Darren to leave before I head back to Manny's. I knew Lila wouldn't lay a hand on Aria and Darren wouldn't be home until later. I promised myself that I would be back before he was home just incase he was still angry. I would rather him take out his anger on me than Aria.

Hearing the slamming of the front door brought me out of my thoughts. The sense of relief flooded my body; I thought he would never leave. Honestly, Darren was not always like this. Sometimes I wondered how did that switch happen so quickly. He was one of the greatest dads when he acted like one. Now, I don't even know who that man is and I really don't want to. I just want out. I want a life where my body wasn't someone's punching bag, a life that did not feel like I was someone whose mere existence made people angry. These were the thoughts that filled my mind, the thoughts that I would never voice to someone because it made me weak. I wanted completely out. However, then I think about Aria, I can't leave her in this situation especially since he hit her. I could feel my blood boiling simply at the thought of last night again. Darren usually sat in his car for sometime before finally pulling off. As soon as the car was gone, I grabbed my toiletries and went to the house. The door was unlocked like it always was when Darren left. I needed a shower and to brush my teeth before I left.

"Nile." Lila's voice stopped me in my tracks. Normally when I came in she didn't speak to me. She would not even make eye contact with me. Although she knew I was in the house, she did not acknowledge my presence. I was okay with that though because at least she was letting me come in the house. Darren did not like me being in here and I know she was risking a lot by letting me in. "Can you watch Aria today?" She sounded different than I have ever heard her before. Lila has only spoken to me a few times before and normally her tone was very condescending or cold. Today she sounded vulnerable. Her voice was shaky and uncomfortable. Was she scared? It was unusual for her.

"Uh sure." I answered quickly because this was the first time she has ever asked me to do anything. It was unusual for Lila to want to anything. Darren made sure she was happy to hearts content. I don't know how one could be happy with a man like him, but I guess what they say is true: love is blind.

"Okay." was her simple and curt response. Leaving the living room I ran upstairs to tell Aria to get ready for the day. At least now I wouldn't have to feel bad about leaving her here while I was at Manny's.

"Little lady! Get dressed." I yelled down the hall as I made my way to her room. I swung the door open to reveal Aria sitting in front of the full body mirror on her closet door. On the top of it were wooden letters that read princess. I made those letters in my woodshop class at my old school. Aria went through this phase where she was obsessed with the idea of being a princess. Every time we talked she would ask me if she was a princess. I watched as she tugged at her raven hair and covered what I guess is the bruise on her cheek. I knew what she was doing and my heart hurt for her. "What are you doing kid?" I asked kneeling next to her.

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