I wouldn't hurt you

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            "What the heck does that mean?" Lex asked voicing what I was thinking.

            "I don't know"

            "Maybe it means Mr. sex on a stick is interested." This earned her a glare and shove. I have to admit I like that nickname. Lex took her place on my bed and we fell into our typical routine of watching bad reality TV.

            "Wake up wake up. You have to babysit in an hour loser." That was enough to make me jump out of bed. Lex was still passed out on the bed and dad tied a knot in her hair. My father is an overgrown child I swear but I love the man.

            "Dad is it suppose to rain tonight?" I asked searching for clothes to put on.

            "I think the storm is passing you should be safe."

            I really need to start waking up early I hate having to take a quick shower it is so annoying. Finishing everything off I grab my keys and check the time. I have ten minutes before Mrs. Monroe is suppose to leave for work. Hey it gives me an excuse to not obey the speed limit. Early morning drives make me happy even though I hate mornings. The world is just so quiet and all is right. The Monroe's house is not too far away so the drive goes relatively fast. I parked on the street instead of their driveway. The cool breeze hit me and I am starting to regret not wearing jeans.

            "Manuela good morning."

            "Good morning Mr. Monroe." He was dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase ready to head off to work Mrs. Monroe was right behind him. They were the definition of a power couple.

            "The kids are still sleeping so you can just relax until they wake up." Mrs. Monroe starts to ramble off without ever breaking contact with her iPhone. "There is cereal and anything else you may need in the house." She looks up long enough to flash a smile at me

            Their house is always refreshing to be in. Although from the outside it looks like nothing more than a brick home the inside is warm. The walls a beautiful shade of light blue lets you know that they have a soft side. I have been in this house a time or two so I know my way around. I should probably go check on Elias and Lizzie. Their rooms are upstairs on either side of their parent's room. I checked on Lizzie first because she was least likely to be awake. A girl after my own heart she hates mornings. Her yellow room welcomed me I easily peeked into her crib and watched her sleep for a bit. Then made my way to Elias room.

            "ANNIE" he screamed and I could not help the smile that took over my face. His unruly blonde curls falling in his face as he sat up. The three year old had dimples in each cheek and a smile that could make a witch happy. Sticking his arms straight out he reached for me and I swept him up.

            "Hey Elias. Missed me ?" A nod was the only response he gave curls moving as his head moved. Elias clung to me and I took that as an indication that he missed me more than he was letting on.

            "I'm hungry."

            "Is that anyway to ask?"

            "Please Annie"

            We made our way to their impeccable kitchen and I moved around grabbing a bowl for cereal even though Elias just picked out the marshmallows in the cereal.

            "Eli your so much heavier than I remember."

            "Mommy said if I drank my milk I'd be strong. So my bones are growing." He flashed me a smile. This kid is going to be a lady killer when he gets older. Putting him down I push the cereal towards him and wait for him to begin picking out the marshmallows. The doorbell rings and I take one more glance at Eli before heading to open it.

            "Good morning sweetheart."

            I stared at the boy who stood in front of me dressed in a dark hoodie and blue jeans hung dangerously low on his waist. He looked like he just woke up but it worked for him.

            "What are you doing here?"

            "You didn't believe me when I said see you there?"

            " I didn't even think you knew who the Monroe's were. By the way how'd you know what time I was suppose to be here?" I ask genuinely curious.

            " You shouldn't fall asleep so quickly. Your friend Lex told me." I roll my eyes and make a mental note to push Lex down. A yawn escaped his mouth confirming my theory that he was tired. Before I could say anything tiny hands wrapped around my knees and a small head of curls peeked out. Elias' mouth was covered with milk and his hands sticky on my bare legs.

            "Done Annie."

            "Alright Eli lets get you and the kitchen cleaned up." I momentarily forgot that Nile was standing there. Sweeping Eli in my arms I gesture for Nile to come in. I pray this doesn't get me in trouble. What if the Monroe's are skeptical about who's around their kids? Oh God, am I putting their kids in danger. Manny get a grip.

            "Who's that Annie?" Eli asks staring at Nile who is following behind us quietly. His hands stuffed in his pockets.

            "This is my friend Nile." How else am I supposed to introduce him? I mean am I suppose to say this is a steamy cup of white hot chocolate that I wish I could have, and oh yea I don't even know if we're friends. Eli waves at Nile with so much excitement that he almost hits me in the face. I clean off his face, wash his hands and send him on his merry way. Just like I expected most of the cereal was on the table instead of in Eli's stomach. Eli took Niles hand and pulled him along with him.

            "You can be the fire truck and I'll be the sports car." Hey Nile was good for something he's keeping Eli busy and I can run up and get Lizzie. After feeding her and changing her we made our way downstairs to find the boys still playing with cars. Putting Lizzie in the playpen I put on a movie and sat on the couch enjoying not having anything to do.

            The spot next to me sinks down and I didn't realize I got sucked into the mind numbing kids show on the TV. Elias was coloring and lizzie was in the play pen staring at the TV.

            "Having fun?"

            " Who wouldn't I'm learning how to count." The sarcasm dripped from my lips. "What are you doing here anyway?"

            "Be careful sweetheart you're making me think you don't like me."

            "Wouldn't want you to think that now would we."

            "Look I'm sorry I dropped you last night." As the words come from his mouth the events of last night once again come back and I can't help but be a little embarrassed.

            "Its okay, I know I'm no twig." I say trying to lighten the mood no pun intended. Apparently Nile did not take it as a joke because I can see his jaw clench and his face-harden.

            "That's not why I"

            "I was joking dude." I interrupted him hoping he would relax. Which he doesn't.

            " I wouldn't let you get hurt." He looked at me and as much as I wanted to break eye contact I couldn't. He spoke as though he needed me to believe him and I did not think words would do justice. Thunder roared making me jump into Nile, which pulled a pained groan from him. What the hell is this kid going to hurt every time I touch him? Wait Manny are you planning on touching him again? Before I could answer myself thunder roared again this time it was Elias who jumped and Lizzie crying.

            Thanks dad.

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