Rap God

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Naptime. I promise you it is one of God's many gifts to parents and I am not even a parent. It was now almost two in the afternoon and every child and dog in this house was asleep. The quiet was so beautiful I could cry. Oh I don't think I could have little people. They require so much from the people around them. Sitting back on the brown sofa I let the softness of it soothe my tired body. However, now I was so hopped up on coffee that I couldn't fall asleep. Letting my mind drift I thought about the fact that any moment now Nile's twin brother would be here and I would get to discover yet another part of the mystery that is Nile. Whenever I feel as though I have him figured out there's something new to discover. The ringing of my phone sent me into sheer panic as I thought about the possibility of the three little monsters, I mean beautiful children, waking up.

"Hello." I whispered yelled into the phone.

" What you whispering for?" Lex's voice screeched over the phone. " Are you and Mr. silently sexy in bed together finally? I mean the sexual frustration and tension between you two was just oozing. It's about time you two handled that."

"Haha. Shut up. I am whispering because I have three sleeping children in my house and I will be damned if they wake up. You are disgusting."

"That's what they tell me." Lex said. " Actually make that a double cheese burger hold the pickles."

"Lex what are you ordering?"

"Food obviously. What do you want?" She asked.

"Oh I love you. Can I get a cheeseburger and French fries."

" Sure girl. Do you want something to drink?" Lex can be sweet when she wanted to. Honestly anyone who feeds me is considered sweet. After I relayed my drink order to Lex she hung up with a "see you soon hoe." See I told you she's so sweet. To pass the time I watched DIY videos on how to redo a school bus and make it the most awesome loft ever. The ringing doorbell tore me from researching the cost of old school buses. Racing to the door I ripped the door open to prevent the person from ringing again. It was probably just Lex with our food.

"Hello Manny."

"Mrs. Monroe!" I didn't expect you back so soon. I thought you weren't due back until later tonight.

" I know honey. I just missed my kids. So lets just say I rushed through those meetings and basically voted yes to everything. Lets hope I didn't vote yes on something too crazy. I'll deal with that later." She said as I moved aside to allow her entrance to the house. Walking over to her sleeping children she knelt down and placed a soft kiss on each of their heads. Her light brown hair was pulled in a restricting bun and if you were to see her you would think she was some nonsense kind of women. However, in this moment she was mom and boy did it made me miss mine like crazy. " Were they any trouble?"

I always wondered why people asked that question. Does anyone ever answer that question truthfully? Like what do you say? Your child is right up there with the serial killers Freddy and Jason. Thankfully Eli and Lizzie were actually good. They were just kids who required attention and had more energy than the energizer bunny on red bull. However, they weren't bad. " They were great. Lizzie loves attention."

"Oh trust me I know. You can blame her dad for that. She has him wrapped around her entire hand not just her finger. That man will be up with her until the wee hours of the morning just talking. It's actually pretty sweet." Mrs. Monroe spoke fondly of her husband. I helped her put the kids jackets on. Once they were dressed I helped her put them in their car seats and then out to her car. The kids only stirred a bit and but did not wake up. As I waved goodbye to them Lex pulled into the driveway blaring Rap God.

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