What can happen in three weeks?

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You know that feeling of all the wind being knocked out of you? Yep that pretty much sums up how I feel right now. As I watch Marco standing in front of me waiting for an answer my mind is screaming no, but my lips cannot seem to let out the sound. I feel my head moving up and down and before I know it the people that had crowed around my car erupted in cheers. Wait did I say yes? As if reading my thoughts Marco lifts my body up in the air and I paint a smile trying not to let my discomfort show.

            Placing me down Marco exclaims, "Yay we're going to have fun babe." Did he just call me babe? Oh monkeys what have I done? I stare at him and realize his hands are still on my hips. Moving out of his hold. I make my way over to a pissed off looking Lex. She spares me a glance before returning her eyes to glare at Marco. Marco is not fazed at her stare because he is too busy going on about homecoming. Granted all I keep hearing in my head is "IM SCREWED".

            "I gotta run to practice, but I'll text you later" Marco says not even waiting for a response.

            Practically leaping into my car I wait for Lex to get in before I pull out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. The realization of what I just did hitting me like a ton of bricks. I just said yes to go to homecoming with Marco Mr. I want in your pants.

            "Why did you say yes to him?" Lex asked

            I don't really have an answer so I just shrug keeping my eyes on the road as I speed through the streets.

            "Are you trying to reenact beauty and the beast except the beast is a pompous donkey?" I laugh inwardly at her choice of words but do not allow my look of anger to falter. Parking the car in the driveway I unlock the door to my house.

            "No but really what are you going to do?" Lex asked making her way to the couch.

            "What can I do but grin and bear it?" I ask praying she can come up with a plan of action.

            "You could come down with a twenty four hour bug." Lex says confidently as if it were the best idea since sliced bread. I contemplate it for a second but remember how much of a bad liar I am.

            "Do you remember the last time I tried to play sick?" I asked her and watched as she cringed.

            "Oh yea never again." She says flipping though the channels. "We really need to work on your lying skills."

            The television fills in the silence that has form between Lex and I. You can tell the wheels in our brains are turning as we try to find an escape for this problem. A logical person would probably say no, but it is really hard for me to be mean to someone I am not close with. If we are close I can be mean to you with no hesitation but if I don't exactly know you or don't like you I will be super nice to you. I don't think I have it in me to reject Marco as much as I want to.

            " I really thought Mr. silently sexy was going to ask you." Lex says causing me to think about Nile. Crap he was standing right there when all of this went down but I didn't see him after.

            "I doubt he would." I wonder if I should text him and see how he is doing. I guess he will answer but whatever. How the heck is I suppose to get through this week knowing what Friday holds?

Lex ends up spending the night like always. Her parents joke that she prefers my dad to them and I think she secretly does. Dads been home for about an hour and cookie is running around the house yapping like a mad person. The smell of steak and potatoes assault my nose. My stomach reacts before the words escape my mouth with a rumble that even causes my dad to stop and stare.

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