I promise i'm stronger than you

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" Thanks." Turning my gaze on anywhere but on his face. I am still getting use to Nile speaking it is going to take awhile for me to get use to him complimenting me.

" I'm going to get going. I'll see you later."

"Okay, where are you park?" I asked not willing to let the longest conversation we've ever had end.

"I didn't drive I came with Sasha. I'm going to walk."

"Walk? How far from here do you live?" Manny get a grip this is a grown boy who is like three times your size.

"Its like fifteen minutes mom I promise I'll be okay." He teased a smile playing at his lips. Folding my arms I watched as he laughed. "Fine, how about you walk me home so you can make sure I get there safely."

Contemplating my options I already knew what I wanted to do but I knew what I could not do. Lex was my ride here and I had to stick with her. Granted I knew this town like the back of my hand and that is only because of Lex. Lex was born and raised here so she has shown me everywhere and trust me there is not much to see.

"I think I just might do that. What kind of girl would I be if I just let a poor guy like you walk alone?" I teased until he grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. "Wait where are we going?"

"Remember sweetheart you're walking me home." He said pulling me along as if I was a rag doll. Part of me wanted to pull away and then another part of me kind of likes this. Manny grip get one. Every house we passed looked pretty much alike they have cobblestone driveways and was rather large. We were on the richer side of town. The houses were gorgeous. I stared at the houses to avoid looking at Nile.

"Look who's a mute now." Nile said still holding on to my hand. I don't think he notices but I won't complain.

"Hey that's not fair I'm practically being kidnapped right now."

" Oh really? Aren't you the one who wanted to make sure I got home safe? Shouldn't that be my job?"

"Shoot me for being a good person. What would your folks think if you didn't come home?" I said kicking a stone. Quickly his hand left mine and I watched his jaw clench. Tightening my hold on jean jacket I walked silently next to him hoping he wouldn't go back to being a mute. I shivered as we continued to walk together he has not responded to my question so I guess I hit a nerve.

We were walking the route I usually drive when heading to school. Nile walked a little ahead unintentionally I mean the boy could get to the next street in four steps and it would take me eight. The trees whistled as the breeze blew and carried the smell of rain I loved it. Although it was a slightly awkward silence the walk was peaceful.

"You're home." Nile said taking me out of my serene moment.

"Wait what?" I asked not quite sure what was going on. Looking up I saw my house in all of its stone glory. My car sat parked in the driveway and Dads was right behind it.

"I thought I was walking you home."

" Did you really think I was going to let that happen?" He asked stuffing his hands in his pocket.

" How am I suppose to know if you make it home okay?"

"If you see me tomorrow then you'll know I am okay." He answered with a teasing smile.

"I don't think I like that."

"Well it is the only option now get inside sweetheart." Grabbing my shoulder he pushed me towards the door. Digging my heels into the ground I tried to stop him.

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