What Are You Wearing?

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guys thanks for reading. I am so sorry i havent been updating as frequently. College is back in session. However, i will try to update sooner. So comment , vote, and comment i want to hear what you think. I think you guys are all so awesome for reading this. Also for those of you who have sent me messages you guys are awesome!

It's the Monday after homecoming and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that it was over. The night ended with Marco kissing the door as I slammed it in his face. Like did he for real think I was going to kiss him? I mean the boy deserves an award. I thought back on the events as I drove down the street. The sun had thirty minutes before it was suppose to rise. Why did I tell the Monroe's I could take Eli to my house? Apparently Mrs. Monroe had to work overtime and Mr. Monroe was on a business trip so the kids would be staying at my house for the next two days. Dad would work from home and I'd watch them once I was home from school. Focusing back on the road I watched the houses pass at the corner of my eyes. I had a only and hour before I was supposed to be at school.

"Manny thank you so much." Mrs. Monroe said as I got out of the car. She raced over to me adorned in what else but her killer suit. Honestly the woman does not look like she gave birth at all let alone two kids. She was racing around franticly trying to get the kids in order.

"Its our pleasure" I said reaching down to pick up a sleepy Eli. He was wrapped around his mom's leg. However, he happily let go of her to jump on me. Resting his head in the crook of my neck and I bounced him as Mrs. Monroe put both the car seat and the booster seat in my car.

Once Lizzie and Eli were both secured in their seats I peel out of the driveway praying Mrs. Monroe doesn't realize how fast I'm going with her kids. I can't exactly get them back if anything happened to them. Shaking the thought out of my mind I peek at the kids from the mirror. Eli is clutching a bear and Lizzie is drifting between being awake and asleep. It doesn't take too long to get back home but its long enough that I am going to be late for class.

            " Dad don't kill peoples kids do you understand me?" I say sternly as I watch my dad unbuckle Eli and take out Lizzie's car seat.

            " Yes mom" He says like a two year old. I honestly question whose the parent and who's the child sometimes.


            "Manuela are you alive and breathing?"


            "Then I think I know how to do this parenting thing. Actually you're a pretty good kid so I'd say I'm damn good at it." He said while balancing the kids and their bags.

"Love you. Bye"

After going at least ten over the speed limit I race into my class and slip into my seat praying Mr. Walsh didn't see.

"Nice of you to join us Manuela." Internally groaning at his comment I take out my stuff and proceed to not pay attention. A few guys glance my direction and smile. I'm confused but shrug it off. The class goes on and nothing extravagant happened minus the glances from guys and glares from the girls. I had to meet Lex by our lockers before my next class, so as soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat.

"Dang Manny if I knew you were hiding all of that." A guy whose name I think is Josh says winking at me. Throwing him a questioning look I reach my locker. Leaning against it I cross my arm and wait for my never on time best friend. As I cross my arms I am surprised at the feel of my stomach. I look down at my torso and I am greeted by my nothing but a black bandeau and black sweatpants. How the crap didn't I realize that? Where is Lex I need a shirt.  The bell rang with no sign of Lex. I thought about going to pull on my gym shirt. However, I had taken them home for laundry day. Crap. I need to find a shirt. I waited for the hallway to clear out a little more before letting the panic take its place on my face.

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