Chapter 1: The Demons Curse

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It was late into the night, a crescent moon was shadowed in the starry sky submerged behind clouds. The village of Konoha was peaceful and quiet tonight. In one particular house under the cover of night, only one light in one room was lit.

An urn was placed on the tatami table before a husband and wife. It resembled a tall and twisted lamp with a cork made of obsidian. Strange markings etched into the pottery, symbols, as if to keep something inside. The man and wife glanced to each other and then the man who presented the urn.

"Is that what I think it is?" asked the woman sitting in a casual kimono sitting on a mat with her legs tucked beneath her. Her short black hair pulled into a neat bun on the crest of her head. A few loose strands of hair fell on either side of her round face.

"Is it." replied the man who presented the urn. Fugaku Uchiha, head of the clan. He then turned his sharp gaze to his brother who sat silently. "You are ready to do this?" he questioned.

Daichi Uchiha, younger brother of Fugaku, inhaled deeply. "I am." he spoke with a gruff voice. "I just want the guarantee safety of our daughter." He sported an undercut with the rest of his hair pulled into a short pony tail. His features sharp and gruff.

"I cannot guarantee her safety. If this works, she will live. If it doesn't however..."

The woman clenched her fists in her lap. "I simply cannot allow this!" she turned a harsh gaze to her husband. "Tell him we can't allow this."

"Ayame." sighed Daichi and took her hand into his. "We talked about this. Our daughter was born for a reason. Her sole purpose in life is to be our harbinger; a weapon we can use."

"But she is our daughter. Surely it's not too late to back down."

"I'm afraid not." said Fugaku. "I spent a great deal of shinobi to steal this from the Hibiki clan. Great casualties were costed."

Ayame fell silent. This was wrong even when she agreed to it in the first place. She never thought they would actually go through with the plan. She decided then she would be there for her daughter through every second, she would be there to teach her the right from wrong, to make sure their plans are foiled.

"Shall we carry on?" Fugaku asked politely.

Daichi glanced at Ayame and he could see the clear loathing she developed for him. They might have married for love at first, but now, he wasn't so sure. Daichi pulled his hand from Ayame and nodded firmly and rose from the mat and said, "I will retrieve Yuzuki." and with that said he left the tatami room.

Ayame glared down at her fists in her lap with Fugaku sitting patiently across her with a cup of tea of his hand. How could he sit there to calmly?

Daichi walked through his home, trailing down the hallway and swiftly climbing the stairs to the second floor. From the landing he walked down the short hallway of bedrooms to the nursery at the very end. He opened the door to his daughters room.

The curtains in the room where drawn shut and a music box was playing soft tunes. Daichi found the one month old baby laying awake in the crib. The baby smiled seeing her father. They shared the same onyx eyes and black hair. Daichi couldn't help but smile at the sight of his daughter. He lifted her from the crib and swiftly left the room.

On his way back to the tatami room, he began to have second thoughts. Maybe his wife was right. Maybe what they were doing was wrong, but it was for the better of the Uchiha clan. He thought that Fugaku wouldn't understand because he didn't have children yet.

When he entered again the room was silent and tension filled the air. Daichi sat beside his wife again and she demanded her daughter be handed to her.

Fugaku took to clearing the table, setting aside the tea pot and cups and the strange urn. "Place her on the table." he ordered.

Ayame glanced up from her daughter shaking her head. Daichi was growing impatient. "Ayame." he said firmly and reached to take the baby from her. Ayame refused but Daichi's hold grew stronger and she feared he would hurt her, So she released the baby to him. Daichi placed the baby onto the table gently placing down her head. Yuzuki turned her head to her parents curiously.

Ayame smiled allowing Yuzuki to hold her finger.

Fugaku cleared his throat. "We must remain strong willed while saying the chant. If we show signs of weakness, it will devour us. This must be done smoothly and quickly in order for it to be completed."

"This is wrong." murmured Ayame admiring her daughter who was innocent.

"This is for the better." informed Daichi and held out his hand for her. "You cannot touch her." he said. Ayame hatefully looked from his hand to his eyes and pulled her finger away from her baby's hand and held her hand in her lap, leaving Daichi's hand to hover. He faltered.

"Are we ready?" asked Fugaku receiving a subtle nod from his brother. Fugaku put the urn at the foot of the tatami table and placed one hand over the obsidian cork. He looked into Daichi's eyes firmly before Ayame. He nodded and pulled the cork loose. They immediately started the chants.

A smokey black substance emerged from the bottle rising into the air at a rapid speed filling the space of the ceiling. Their chants remained strong and the baby began to cry, its fearful screams pierced their ears. Ayame reached for her baby and was stopped by her husband.

A growling sound came from the bottle and the smoke stopped coming from the bottle. Now it swirled above their heads in a black mass as it began to take form. Beady eyes could be seen swirling in the smoke and a snake like body took shape in the smoke. A head of a dragon appeared and snarled eyeing each person below it.

Still they kept their chants fluent and strong, commanding the beast. It tried to resist the lawful words. The demon could feel itself being pulled towards the small figure laid before it. In its smoke form resistance was futile. It growled and snarled and clawed and snapped.

Its smoke form was being sucked into the small body of the screaming baby with each word being shouted. The demon clawed and growled in futile attempts to escape, but the more it struggled the faster it was being sealed away.

Finally, the last if it was pulled into the baby and the cyclone winds in the room stopped and the crying baby was the only sound left. The teapot and cups were broken and mats where uplifted.

Fugaku completed the seal by hovering two fingers over the baby and saying the final words. His fingers lit up with chakra and he placed them onto the baby's stomach and completed the sealing ritual.

Daichi looked over his crying baby and sighed with relief. Beside being terribly frightened she was okay. It was a relief that the ritual worked. Daichi looked to his wife and noticed something wasn't right. She was staring at the wall. He followed her gaze to the wall where three long claw marks stretched to the length of the wall.

Fugaku's mouth even fell agape.

Inside the dark dimension the demon was seal away in, his beady red eyes glowed in the dark. His hatred and power begging to flow out, only it was halted by the giant chains holstering his snake like body to the dark abyss. His growled filled the silent void.

He was patient.

He will wait and bide his time until the time was right. 

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