Chapter 9: Hand To Hand

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Yuzuki watched Kurenai Yuhi sparring with Guy. Might Guy was excellent with his hand to hand combat skills, he had the upper hand to Kurenai who struggled on defencing from his attacks. Guy finally managed to pin Kurenai to the ground and Daikouku Sensei called the sparring match.

"Excellent work." said Daikouku Sensei. "Kakashi and..." he called for the next match and most students groaned. Daikouku's eyes settled between Yuzuki, Katsuko and Obito, trying to decide who would a good sparring partner. "Yuzuki." he decided it would be a good time to settle their debate since their last quarrel.

"Kick his butt!" Katsuko cheered.

Yuzuki stepped forward to face Kakashi. He stood silently behind his mask but internally he sighed. Ever since their fight the other week, he had avoided Yuzuki.

"You know the rules. Begin."

Yuzuki and Kakashi bowed to each other and stepped back. The class watched in anticipation. Yuzuki activated her one tomoe sharingan and excitement swelled within Obito. He wanted to see Yuzuki beat Kakashi.

Kakashi attacked first. He launched at Yuzuki and she sidestepped to fall in the opposite direction avoiding Kakashi. She skipped backwards and he came at her again. He threw a right hook and Yuzuki held up her arm to block his attack. Even though she had the help of her sharingan, she was still limited to how much her visual prowess would allow her to predict his movement.

Yuzuki attempted to return his punch where Kakashi pushed her and she stumbled. "What are you doing, Yuzuki!?" Katsuko was pulling her hair.

Yuzuki was still new to her power. Her body was put through great strain every time she activated her sharingan, her body tried to catch up which was causing her timing to be off.

Kakashi attacked again. He leaped into the air and swung out his leg. Yuzuki caught his ankle and threw him into the dirt. He rolled back to his feet and attempted another attack. He threw a punch and Yuzuki did the same.

He ducked under her fist, and she ducked under his fist. Kakashi went to knee her in the stomach, and she copied. He blocked her knee in his palm and she blocked his knee with her palm.

He looked into her red eyes that pierced his own. She was copying him.

Kakashi leaped back and so did she. He held out an arm and so did she. He grumbled in annoyance and took a protective stance; and so did Yuzuki.

The class watched in anticipation for their next move. It seemed like Kakashi was going to loose against the sharingan. The silver haired boy racked his brain for ideas. No matter what there always seemed to be no ending where he won.

"What, you're just going to copy me?" he spat.

"What, you're just going to copy me?" she repeated.

"You're doing that on purpose."

"I am doing that on purpose."

The class laughed. Kakashi and Yuzuki leaped at each other. They locked in sparring. Yuzuki caught Kakashi's fist and shoved her shoulder into his chest. He stumbled and pulled Yuzuki with him. She rolled over his head and came to her feet, but she was too slow, Kakashi already planned his attack. He landed a kick to her side and she fell into the dirt. He hovered over her with a fist raised signalling he had won the match.

"Kakashi wins." announced Daikouku Sensei. Katsuko and Obito groaned loudly since they were hoping Yuzuki would send Kakashi into the dirt. It seems none of them where experienced enough in fighting.

Kakashi stood straight and extended his hand to Yuzuki. She deactivated her sharingan looking from his hand to his face. She slapped his hand away and stood on her own with a huff. She hated loosing. Especially to arrogant people like Kakashi.

"What happened?" questioned Katsuko irritably.

"Yeah, you have the sharingan now." said Obito. "You totally could have made him eat dust."

"Well, I only just got it." she defended strongly. "And plus, it's not fully developed." she folded her arms like a child.

"Sore loser." Katsuko poked Yuzuki's cheek and she slapped her hand away in frustration. "I can't believe you let Kakashi win." she pouted.

"I'll make him eat dirt one day."

"I'm standing right here." said Kakashi standing a few bodies away.

"Then you heard me." Yuzuki turned her head away dramatically. Kakashi scoffed shaking his head.

Katsuko laughed nudging Yuzuki with her elbow. "I never thought you'd be a sore loser."

"I'm not!"

"You totally are. Look you're crying."

"I am not!"

The next match called was Obito against Asuma Sarutobi, the Third Hokage's son. They began their match quickly and while they were sparring, Katsuko and Yuzuki kept talking.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

Rin Nohara kept looking between the squabbling girls in front of her. It was hard to concentrate on the match when they were arguing. "Hey guys, let's not get into a fight." she said smiling. Being a kindhearted girl was often difficult when you were surrounded by others who enjoyed violence and fighting and competition.

Katsuko and Yuzuki looked back at Rin. She smiled, "I don't think it's fair when Obito is trying his hardest." she said. The girls glanced at each other.

Obito was thrown at their feet and the match was called. Asuma won.

Yuzuki looked down at the pouting boy at her feet. "You okay?" she asked. Obito crossed his arms and refused to get up while the other boys congratulated the Sarutobi boy. This made Katsuko laugh even louder.

"They're both sore losers!"

"We are not!" they defended strongly.

"I'm willing to bet you guys were separated at birth."

Obito scratched his head. "That's impossible. We have different parents. I can prove it."

"I was making a joke..."

It was Kakashi's turn to put his word in. "You both suck at hand to hand combat anyway." this resulted in Obito jumping to his feet to fight Kakashi. Only he was stopped by Katsuko who knew he wouldn't win and embarrass himself.

The two Uchiha students gave their infamous death glare watching Kakashi saunter back into the building with the rest of the class.

"I could have beat him." Obito tore his arm away from Katsuko.

"Actually, you couldn't have."

"She's right." Yuzuki agreed.

"You're supposed to be on my side, Yuzuki." 

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