Chapter 45: The Nine Tails

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Something was wrong. Yuzuki could feel it in the air. She sat on the rooftops of the busy streets of Konoha. Her eyes gazing behind the kitsune mask watching the people getting on a happy night of celebration and outgoings. It was also the night Kushina was giving birth in an undisclosed location to prevent the Nine Tailed beast from escaping in her time of birth.

So far there was no disturbances.

Itachi sat on the patio of his house holding his baby brother Sasuke in a sling. He was set with babysitting duties while his parents where out on a date. He could feel it to. The eerie feeling in the air. It even made his baby brother cry.

Katsuko came to Yuzuki's side on the rooftops. "Do you feel that?" she asked softly.

Yuzuki nodded. "Yeah." she was sure anyone in the village with enough sense could feel something was wrong.

"The team has scouted the village borders. We've found no sign of anything unusual."

Yuzuki nodded in response. "I hope Kushina is alright."

Team Ra gathered on the roof. Cat came forward and reported, "Everything is clear." she informed. Yuzuki gazed over her shoulder at her team before looking to the Hokage monuments and her eyes settled on Minato's face carved into the mountain side.

"I don't like this." Yuzuki rose to her feet. "We should-" her words were cut short when a blast of smoke cascaded to the west village gates and a gigantic figure emerged growling. An orange form with nine tails and the resembled features of a fox.

"Is that...?" Katsuko's words were lost in the wind.

"The Nine Tails."

The Nine Tailed beast roared over the village and screams ascended to the skies and people began to flee at the sight of the beast under the pale moon light. The Nine Tails brought down a clawed hand crushing buildings in his path with a fiery vengeance upon people who did him no wrong. Still he continued to destroy in a rampage.

"Evacuate the village!" Yuzuki ordered her team. Without hesitation they took to the streets in guiding people to the closest bunkers and escape routes. Yuzuki's thoughts took her to Kushina. Was she alright? Was the baby alright? 

The fox demon released a roar of wind blasting a path through the village and blowing anything caught in the massive winds of his angry roar, Yuzuki being one of them. The wind blasted her and she was launched from the rooftops. The world spun around her in a crazy motion until she managed to find her feet and stop herself.

With her sharingan active behind her mask she drew her katana. "Run for the east gates!" She shouted to the panicking people around her. Another member of the Root Foundation landed by Yuzuki.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Danzo has given strict orders for the Foundation to withdraw." he spoke.


"Strictly, he has ordered the Uchiha take no action. Report to the meeting area. " and he was gone. This was a shock of words to Yuzuki. The whole point of her being Root Anbu was to help in situations like this and Danzo wants her to do nothing.

She wasn't one for disobeying orders, but in this moment of crisis there was no way she was taking refuge in the base and doing nothing while her friends and village are killed. She was conflicted.

The Nine Tails opened his snout forming a ball of energy aiming directly at the Hokage monuments. It was an energy ball so big there was possibly no way of stoping it from destroying the village. The demon released the energy and it flew over the village with such incredible speed, it brought a great thrust of wind, picking up anything loose and destroying houses.

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