Chapter 24: The Decider

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The day of the final chunin exams had dawned over the Hidden Leaf and its genin participants. All participants and proctors where gathered in the fighting arena. At the front stage was the Third Hokage speaking with the proctors, and the genin teams waited on the balcony's over looking the fighting grounds.

"Welcome to part three of the chunin exams." the Third Hokage announced loudly. "And congratulation's to those who have made it this far. Now we will begin the individual fight's. The rules are, until you have been defeated or have dropped out, the fight will not stop until one of you has won. Names will be called out randomly. Good luck. "

The first names on the screens to be selected were Obito Uchiha vs Might Guy. From across the other side, Guy leaped down from the balcony.

"You can do it, Obito." Yuzuki encouraged as Obito leaped over the railing to the ground below. The two opponents stood face to face and of course, Obito needed to say something.

"I'm gonna have you pay me back in full for the last time."

Guy raised an eyebrow with his hand to his chin in a thinking manner. "The last time?" he asked confused.

"What? Don't tell me you don't remember!"

"Who are you?" said Guy. "What did I do to earn your wrath?"

"Why you- don't take me for a fool!"

Yuzuki sighed shaking her head. She looked to Katsuko beside her who laughed. Rin then shouted words of encouragement. "Do your best, Obito!"

Obito's cheeks tinted red. "All right... watch me!" he shouted back.

The proctor waved the red flag and said, "Begin!" without warning, Guy once again roundhouse kicked Obito and his goggled flew from his head, the orange glass now broken, and Obito was sent to the floor. "The winner is Might Guy!" announced the proctor. "Might Guy will advance."

Yuzuki groaned and her face fell into her palms. "Damn it, Obito." she murmured while Katsuko threw her head back in disappointment. Obito had lost his chance at becoming chunin.

"What is he doing?" Kakashi sighed.

During the next match between Asuma and Anko, the medical ninja where quick to patch Obito up. They placed a bandage over his left eye and cleaned up a few more scraps. He came slugging up the stairs to his team and slumped against the railing.

"Are you okay, Obito?" asked Katsuko concerned. He mumbled in response. Yuzuki looked up to Katsuko who shrugged. The match was called and Asuma was declared the winner.

The next match called was Kakashi Hatake vs Might Guy.

"Begin!" both Kakashi and Guy engaged in battle. They fought each other, throwing kicks and punches and leaping threw the air.

"Kakashi is so going to win." commented Katsuko.

"Obviously." Yuzuki replied.

Meanwhile, Obito watched Rin who was cheering for Kakashi's success. He watched the way her eyes would light up and her cheeks where pink. He felt sad, he wanted her to look at him like that.

They watched Kakashi and Guy duel, both just as skilled in fighting, but in the end, Kakashi landed the final blow and Guy was defeated. "The winner is Kakashi Hatake."

"He did it!" cheered Rin clasping her hands together. Obito sighed deeply.

"Ha." laughed Katsuko. "You owe me."

"For what?" said Yuzuki. "We never bet."

The next names to shuffle on the screens was Yuzuki Uchiha vs Katsuko Hibiki.

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