Chapter 53: The Betrayed

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Yuzuki had a small smile on her face while she packed her clothes into the locker where her team dressed into their Anbu uniform. She felt someone poke her arm and Katsuko asked with a smug smile, "Why are you smiling?"

"Because." was her simple reply strapping her sword to her back.


Yuzuki pulled on her arm bracers to adjust her gloves. "I've got a date." she announced and Katsuko's yellow eyes widened in shock.

"What? With who?"

Yuzuki glanced to Katsuko and her mouth fell open in a gasp. "It's not who I think it is, is it?" Katsuko gasped. Yuzuki turned her head away keeping her smile back. "It is!" Katsuko cheered in delight catching the attention of the other team members.

"See? I told you so. I told you Kakashi was into you. I can't believe I was right this whole time."

"Okay." Yuzuki laughed closing the locker door.

"So, where are you guys going? Or not going, if you get me?"

Yuzuki scrunched her face in disgust and shoved Katsuko. "Firstly, gross. Secondly, we're only getting dango."


"Yes, Katsuko. Only." she repeated firmly. "Get your head out of the gutter." Yuzuki placed on her mask and turned to the rest of her team. "And guess what? We're patrolling today."

Katsuko groaned with he roll of her eye.

Rain poured down on the village lightly. Dark clouds rolled over head with the roll of thunder and a flash of light every few minutes. Team Ra was among the few teams on border patrol duty. They stood in the rain with soaking wet clothes and a cloak.

Yuzuki shivered in the cold rain pacing ser section of the east borders surrounding Konoha. As usual there was no disturbances. Just a vast land of trees and thundering clouds that stretched for miles.

A shadow then passed the corner of her eye and she whipped around to see nothing. Her sharingan activated and she scanned the area. Yuzuki hummed curiously slowly approaching the spot where she saw the shadow pass with her hand ready to withdraw the sword from her back.

Several shadows passed by her back and she turned on her heel and withdrew her sword. The rain was the only sound. That was when her eye warned her an attack was coming. She turned and deflected a kunai before several Anbu persons revealed themselves. They stood to surround her all with weapons in hands. They were Root members just like her.

"What are-" her sentence was cut short when they attacked. They launched themselves at Yuzuki and she jumped to swiftly avoid their blades. She crossed blades and threw him back to kick another away. She ducked under the swipe of a sword before spinning to drive her blade into him.

A paper bomb was thrown at her feet. Yuzuki's eyes widened in surprise and she launched herself backwards as the bomb exploded. She fell from the wall and landed on a rooftop. The attackers pursued her.

She skilfully fought them off. Deflecting and attacking with precision and strength. Yuzuki flipped over one to kick another under the chin and threw his head back. She landed on her feet again and rolled out of the way of a sword that pierced the rooftrees.

Yuzuki threw herself from the rooftops to the street level and attempted to escape in a flurry of confusion. Was this a test or where they really trying to kill her?

More blocked her path and she came to a stop to find them blocking her exits. She looked around at the attacking Anbu members. She couldn't use Susanoo, she would destroy everything.

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