Chapter 13: Teamwork

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By the afternoon, Yuzuki and Katsuko reunited in front of the new Ichiraku's Ramen to celebrate both their victory of passing into genin with their teams. Obito, Rin and Kakashi even joined in the small celebration.

"Yes!" cheered Obito. "More food!" and he hurried to take a seat at the bar of the small ramen store.

"Minato Sensei starved us this morning." informed Yuzuki. "You know Obito, he's been hungry all day."

"I can tell." laughed Katsuko following Obito into the small stall.

"Ohh, I'd like a bowl." Rin hurried to sit by Obito on the end and Katsuko on his other side. As Yuzuki went to duck under the clothes, she noticed Kakashi walking away.

"Oh, no you don't." she ran after him. "Where do you think you're going?" she blocked his path.


"No you're not. You're eating with us."

"I don't want to-"

His words were cut short when Yuzuki grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards the ramen stall. "Hey, let go!" he tried to twist his arm free, but her grip was tight.

"We're a team now whether you like it or not. That means we even eat together." she pulled into the stall and pushed him onto a stool and sat by Katsuko with Kakashi to her other side. She immediately went into the menu book.

Kakashi just looked at the Uchiha girl in disbelief. She noticed him staring and handed him a menu book which he hesitantly took.

"I still can't believe you got Minato Sensei." said Katsuko.

"Who's your sensei?" asked Rin.


Obito choked on his drink. "One of the Legendary Sannin? No way!"

Katsuko huffed irritably, "Not when you're teamed with Anko Mitarashi, she's so annoying, sucking up to Orochimaru Sensei like she's gonna be his prize or something."

"Sounds like competition." said Yuzuki with a smug smile.

"Hell yeah, it's a competition!" Katsuko said enthusiastically before noticing the look on Yuzuki's face. "I mean, only because she made it that."

Yuzuki sighed shaking her head. "Sure... what are you getting? I've never been here."

"The pork noodles are nice."

"I'm having a chicken teriyaki." announced Obito from the other side of Katsuko. "It's spicy just the way I like it."

"I'll have a seafood special please." ordered Rin.

Ichiraku nodded, "Coming right up for you youngsters." he was a young man with tousled brown hair and a chefs uniform. He tossed a heap of noodles into a frypan. "What about you two on the end here?" Ichiraku motioned to the Uchiha girl and masked boy.

"A miso ramen please!" said Yuzuki. Kakashi was taking too long to decide so Yuzuki decided for him. "And he'll have eggplant with roast duck." she asked and Kakashi wondered if he even liked eggplant.

"Coming right up!"

Kakashi closed the menu looking at the others chuckling amongst themselves. He was kind of glad Yuzuki made him sit here. He didn't feel like going back home to nothing.

Katsuko glanced to the quiet silver haired boy at the other end of the stall and an idea crossed her mind. She nudged Obito for his attention and gestured her head to Kakashi.

Obito furrowed his eyebrows curious.

Katsuko took the paper from the chopsticks and blew into it and launched it across the stall and straight into Kakashi's hair. She and Obito bursted out laughing.

Kakashi irritability removed the paper wrapping. "You're such a child." he rolled his eyes. Even Yuzuki chuckled lightly.

"For someone who never shuts up you're really quite over there." said Katsuko.

"Obito's the one that never shuts up." retorted Yuzuki in Kakashi's defence.

"Leave Obito alone."

Katsuko playfully pushed Yuzuki's shoulder and she pushed back. Katsuko pushed harder and Yuzuki pushed back twice as hard. Katsuko stood on the foot rests of her stool to lean over Yuzuki intimidatingly with her yellow eyes bored into her black orbs. A shimmer of purple glazed over Katsuko's yellow eyes and Yuzuki stood on her stool.

"Don't do that demon eye thing." she activated her sharingan. "I can do it better."

"Oi," Obito pulled the back of Katsuko's shirt forcing her to sit back down. Yuzuki then sat back in her own stool and deactivated her sharingan.

"Sorry." mumbled Katsuko and Yuzuki huffed.

"When are you going to tell us about this whole demon thing?" asked Kakashi. Obito and Rin leant back in interest.

Yuzuki looked to her right at the masked boy. "I'd rather not yet."

"Why? You said we're teammates now."

"Just... not yet, Kakashi. Maybe another time."

Ichiraku served the young genin their bowls of ramen and bided they enjoy. Yuzuki poked at her noodles with Kakashi staring at her from the right. "If we're going to be teammates, we all need to know about this demon Minato claims that you have."

"I do." she muttered back. "It's a long story, okay?"


"I'll tell you all about it later." she snapped and picked up a swirl of noodles.

Kakashi fell silent decided it wasn't best to push her. He saw the way she performed today and the way she was prepared to hurt their sensei. He brushed it off as being due to this 'demon' she apparently has, or it just seemed to an Uchiha attitude.

He poked the cooked eggplant sitting on the roasted duck meat. He reached to take his mask down when he noticed all four where looking intently.

Yuzuki averted her eyes back to her bowl, Katsuko and Obito looked away and Rin resumed to sit forward. Kakashi shook his head and took his mask down for a moment to take a bite of the eggplant. As he chewed the vegetable he decided he liked it.

Again he snapped his head around to see all four looking again and they quickly looked away.

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