Chapter 7: Fight Instigator

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Yuzuki and Obito sat under the big tree in the academy by the swing practicing their hand signs, but Obito kept messing them up. "No, like this." Yuzuki demonstrated the order of the hand signs slowly.

"Oh!" Obito repeated. "I think I got it!" he rejoiced.

"I was starting to think you'd never get it."

Obito's hands dropped with a sigh. "It's hard to remember. There's so many signs." before Yuzuki could consult Obito, the silver haired boy stepped into their conversation.

"How are you going to become a ninja if you can't remember simple hand signs?" said Kakashi crossing his arms.

Obito opened his mouth to retaliate but Yuzuki beat him to it. "We get it." she said. "You're already a genin. You don't need to boast."

"I wasn't, I was stating facts."

Obito stood to stand in Kakashi's face. "Oh, yeah? I'll become a better ninja than you, you watch!"

Kakashi raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Aren't Uchiha supposed to be great?"

"What did you say!?" Obito clenched his fists. Yuzuki stood and pushed the squabbling boys apart and turned to point a finger at Kakashi.

"Don't you have somewhere to show off?"

"Not until two o'clock." he remarked behind his mask. Yuzuki grumbled in annoyance and Obito stifled a laugh.

"You're so annoying." she huffed and urged Obito to follow her away from the silver haired boy. Obito stuck his tongue out at Kakashi as Yuzuki dragged him to the other side of the yard. Kakashi just blew a puff of air and turned the other way.

"What's his problem?" said Katsuko when Obito and Yuzuki sat with her. Yuzuki knew exactly what his problem was. His father killed himself. She heard her father speaking about it. She didn't think it was her place to go telling people. She knew what it felt like.

So she shrugged in response.

"Well, whatever it is, he's got a huge stick up his-"

"Obito!" Daikouku Sensei scolded before he finished his sentence.

"Sorry, Sensei."

Katsuko and Yuzuki laughed. That was when Yuzuki remembered a thought. "Obito!" she excitedly shook his shoulder. "Guess what?"


She blinked and her eyes turned red with one tomoe. "My sharingan activated." she announced. Obito's mouth fell open.

"No fair!" he flailed.

"That's so cool!" Katsuko came uncomfortably close to her face, her own yellow eyes stared into her sharingan eyes inches apart. "Check it out, guys!" she shouted for the attention of their classmates. "Yuzuki has the sharingan!"

Their classmates wondered over in curiosity and Obito felt jealous for the attention Yuzuki received. But then forgave her when Rin Nohara came rushing over with Kurenai Yuri and the other girls. They begged for a demonstration which Yuzuki refused because she wasn't used to the sudden adjustment.

That was when a kunai came flying threw the air towards Yuzuki. She saw it coming in time and ducked as it flew over her head and hit the fence. The class stood in shocked silence.

Yuzuki turned her attention to Kakashi who threw the kunai. "What the hell!"

"At least it works." was his response and he adjusted new headband. In truth, he was testing her.

"You could have killed someone!" shouted Obito.

"I knew what I was doing."

In anger, Yuzuki took the kunai he threw and launched it back at him. The class ducked in fear as the kunai flew threw the air. Kakashi's eyes widened and he managed to dodge the attack by a hairline. "That was too close!" he shouted.

The class looked between Kakashi and Yuzuki.

Daikouku Sensei saw the commotion from the windows in the classroom and rushed down to settle the situation.

Kakashi growled and took the kunai from the fence and stormed towards the Uchiha girl. Obito went to stand in his way, but Yuzuki pushed past him to settle the dispute herself.

"I can totally kick your butt." Yuzuki exclaimed.

"Try me."

Yuzuki threw the first punch and Kakashi ducked. Katsuko instigated by shouting, "Fight! Fight!" whereas other's tried to stop the fight. With her new power, Yuzuki predicted the low kick Kakashi threw her way and she jumped over his leg and returned the attack with a kick to his side. He stumbled and regained his balance realising she had the upper hand.

"Guys, stop it!" Rin tried her best.

"Kick his butt!" shouted Katsuko with Obito who cheered on Yuzuki.

Kakashi took a bet and threw the kunai in his hand. Yuzuki simply moved aside to allow it to pass. She launched herself at him and tackled him to the ground. Katsuko cheered and Rin tried to pull Yuzuki from the boy.

That was when Daikouku Sensei separated the two fighting students. He lifted Yuzuki from Kakashi and held them apart. "What is going on?" he demanded an answer.

"He threw a kunai at me!" Yuzuki stated. Her eyes turned back to normal.

"You threw it back!" shouted Kakashi.

"Enough!" Daikouku Sensei ordered and they fell silent. Both with their heads down ashamed. "Kakashi you just became a genin. Is this anyway to act? And Yuzuki, you should know better. Detention. Both of you- and Katsuko, don't instigate fights."

Katsuko lowered her head. "Sorry, Sensei."

Daikouku Sensei turned away leading Kakashi and Yuzuki into the building. She folded her arms stomping her feet and Kakashi rolled his eyes. 

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