Chapter 15: Odd Jobs

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Yuzuki, Rin and Kakashi searched the area where a missing cat was last seen. Yuzuki checked behind bushes and in the trees for a white cat with a brown patch on its left eye. She frowned seeing no cat. "Nothing here." she announced.

Kakashi looked inside empty boxes. "Not here."

Rin checked under the park benches. "It's not here." she pushed back a strand of falling hair. Finding this cat was more difficult than other times.

The three came together on a rooftop between apartments and all where empty handed. "Found it?" asked Rin.

"No." replied Kakashi.

"It's not here either." Yuzuki told her two teammates folding her arms.

"Looking for a lost pet isn't easy, is it?" said Rin.

"But if we can't succeed at something like this, our team will never be sent on real missions." added Kakashi. "By the way, where is Obito?"

"He was determined to do everything alone, and went off somewhere."

"Is he serious about beating me?"

Somewhere in the village, Obito went around with a poster of the missing cat. He visited the elderly people he would often help around the village and he asked if they had seen the cat. All replied with the same answer. No.

But then one old lady pointed him the way of where she saw a similar cat and hope struck Obito. He thanked the old lady and headed in the direction she pointed. But when he come to the area there was no cat.

"Oh, Obito!" another elderly lady greeted happy. "That cat was on the rooftop up ahead basking in the sun."

Obito thanked the old lady and leaped ahead to search the rooftops. There was no cat here, but he was getting close, he could feel it. And by all means he was going to beat Kakashi and find that cat.

"Obito, I saw that thing sitting on a park bench." said another old lady. "Oh right, by the way, I have some yummy sweets you can take with you!" she offered him a bag of lollies.

And there was the cat. Sitting on a park bench sleeping peacefully.

Obito laughed proudly before his team on the bridge. "Finding a lost pet and a lost item!" he proudly presented the lost things with a scratch mark on his cheek. "Solved them both thanks to the grannies. And I even got treats!"

"You're so popular with the old ladies, Obito." Rin said with a sparkle in her eye. "You really weren't lying all those times you were late."

"Yeah, no kidding." murmured Yuzuki impressed.

"One good deed deserves another." recited Minato. "This time, Obito's kindness was payed back."

"How's that, Kakashi!?"

Kakashi scoffed and turned his head away ashamed by the fact that Obito had indeed beaten him in his challenge.

It wasn't before the afternoon when Team Minato stood before the Third Hokage waiting to be assigned a new mission, but the last job was crossed off the list. "All the odd jobs in the village where taken care of in one day."

"Right? It's because I'm the man that's going to be Hokage!" Obito exclaimed before the Third. "This is nothing!"

"Lord Hokage, I believe this team if far more skilled than we thought." informed Minato.

"You're right. Kakashi already has lots of field experience. Perhaps I'll send them along with you on your mission tomorrow."

Team seven gasped with surprise. "On Minato Sensei's mission?" Kakashi asked to clarify.

"Is this a real mission?" Obito asked excited.

"Yes. And the client specifically requested Minato."

"It's a C-rank mission." Minato told his four students. "Although the risk is low, I'd be lying if I said there was none."

"I was planning to assign you more odd jobs around the village while Minato was away." said the Third Hokage. "but there are no more requests. And I cant just let you wait around."

"Yes!" cheered Obito.

"This means we're going on our first real mission." Rin implied.

"Finally..." Yuzuki said. Her father would be happy to hear she was going on a real mission outside of the village.

"Okay then, I'm counting on all of you from tomorrow." said Minato.

"Yes, Sensei!"

The four students were dismissed from the Hokage's office and together they walked the long corridor. Yuzuki was happy she was finally being sent on a real mission outside of the village. It would make great news to bring home to her father.

"Well, Kakashi?" said Obito with is hands behind his head as they walked. "You should be grateful to me. I'm the only reason why there are no more odd jobs to do."

Kakashi didn't reply to Obito. He remained silent with his head down. It only made the smile on Yuzuki's face fade and be replaced with concern.
"Kakashi, don't be upset with Obito." Rin said. "Obito's been worried about you for a long time. He thinks you've changed..."

Kakashi looked over his shoulder with mild surprise. Even Yuzuki was surprised to hear that coming from Rin, especially since Obito never discussed being worried about Kakashi to her.

"What are you saying, Rin?!" Obito ran around to jump in front of her. His heart accelerated and he started to panic.

"Well, it's true. And you've always said Kakashi was better than you, so you trained hard to catch up."

"Did not!" Obito flailed. "I never said that! You're imagining things."

Yuzuki looked between Kakashi and Obito slightly lost in the situation. This whole time Kakashi said no snarky remark and honestly it was worrying.

"Come on, let's shake hands!" Rin demanded. "We're all on the same team now."

"I'm not shaking hands with that guy." said Obito.

"Me neither." Yuzuki added.

Obito and Kakashi turned their heads away in disgust of each other. Exactly like they did for their team photo and Minato had to hold their heads straight.

"Really... you're all hopeless." sighed Rin and took Yuzuki's hand and to her surprise, Rin joined her hand with Kakashi who turned his head in surprise. Rin then took Obito hand and held Yuzuki's other hand and said, "Then I'll connect you all."

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