Chapter 37: False Accusation

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Months seemed to pass by as a blur. The only thing that kept Yuzuki going was the droning repetition of a daily routine. Wake up, eat, train, complete a mission, sleep. Day in and day out that's all it seemed to feel like. The same could be said for Kakashi and Rin. Even Katsuko who was close with Obito, the two biggest goofballs in the Hidden Leaf...

Yuzuki had maybe seen Katsuko once or twice since his death. Once she passed by on her way out of the village with her team to complete a mission behind Orochimaru. Another time she spotted her training in the fields, another was when Katsuko was returning home from seeing her father at the hospital. Each time Katsuko refused to acknowledge Yuzuki's presence. 

Rumours spread like wildfire around the Uchiha compound. Accusations stating that Yuzuki killed Obito to obtain the mangekyou and the whole thing was a cover up. Those rumours eventually leaped from inside the compound and into the village. It was easy to ignore knowing the gossip would die eventually, but hearing it come from your own family; and maybe even Katsuko, was hurtful. Maybe Katsuko believed the lies and blamed Yuzuki.

The way people look at her now was different. Kurenai or Guy couldn't look her in the eye anymore.

"I read the book you gave me." said Kakashi approaching Yuzuki who strolled the main street.

"Any good?" she asked.

Kakashi nodded, "Yeah..." he came to walk alongside her. "I've been meaning to say, the things people are saying aren't true. They weren't there, they don't know what happened."

"I've been told that a hundred times already."

"What I mean is... don't let it get to you like it did my father."

Yuzuki's head came up in surprise. This was the first time he spoke freely about his father. She opened her mouth to reply and found herself short of words.

"My father was a hero for rescuing his comrades, I see that now. Obito is the same. It's what he was trying to tell me the whole time... I was an idiot for not listening."

Yuzuki couldn't help the smile that crept onto her face. "You where an idiot."

Kakashi chuckled lightly. It was good to see she was smiling again. "I mean... all that matters is that we know the truth."

"Thanks, Kakashi." she said in a shy whisper.

As the two passed, Guy noticed from the inside of a tango shop. "Huh, they're not arguing?" he stated to his own team consisting of Genma and Ebisu and Choza Akimichi as their sensei.

"That's a rare sight." laughed Genma.

Guy then rose from the table and jogged after Kakashi. He came barreling in front of them to block their path. "Kakashi, I challenge you!"

Yuzuki looked amused to the white haired boy. "You can't back down, can you?" she pushed him towards Guy and he sighed deeply.


"Yes!" Guy rejoiced. "I'll race you to the top of the Hokage monument-" and before he could finish his sentence Kakashi had already taken a head start. "Hey!" Guy was quick to chase him. Yuzuki shook her head amused and continued on her way to the path that would take her to the Hibiki household.

She trailed along the narrow dirt path taking her into the forest of the village. She finally came to an open area where a small house was situated.

Yuzuki gazed up at the house feeling a tightness grow in her chest. She was nervous skipping up the steps onto the porch and raised her hand to knock. The door came open before she made the first knock and Katsuko stood in the doorframe. She didn't seem thrilled to see Yuzuki.

"Hey." greeted Yuzuki awkwardly. Seeing her for the first time in months was awkward. Katsuko gave no reply. "Can we talk?"

Katsuko eyes Yuzuki up and down and she didn't move to invite her inside. Yuzuki licked her lips nervously, "I'm just gonna say it..." said Yuzuki. "Do you believe the rumours being said about me?"

Katsuko clenched her jaw and her eyes watered, but she kept back the tears.

"They're not true, you know that. I didn't kill Obito to obtain the stupid mangekyou sharingan, I could care less, I'd give it up if it meant having him back. Whatever philosophy the Uchiha have come to about how to obtain this cursed eye by killing your best friend or some stupid thing, it's not how it really works. My father explained it to me. It's witnessing the trauma of a death..." Yuzuki's voice cracked and her throat swelled. "I just want you to know."

Katsuko's yellow eyes dropped to the hardwood panels of the porch. "I warned you not to go on that mission." she said.

Yuzuki sighed. "You did. And I'm sorry." she turned to step down when Katsuko flew forward to grab her arm.
"I'm sorry too." she said. "I shunned you when you needed me the most."

"Obito's death took a tole on all of us. I don't blame you."

Yuzuki and Katsuko engulfed each other in a long overdue hug. They embraced each other tightly and Katsuko broke into cries. She wet Yuzuki's shirt by the amount of tears that flowed from her eyes and she just let it be.

Katsuko shuffled back wiping her tears away and she sniffled, "How does your dad know about the mangekyou?"

Yuzuki shrugged. "He didn't say." and she bowed her head. "Another thing, also, when Obito... I lost control."

"You did what?"

"I lost control of Jurun..." confessed Yuzuki. She kicked the point of her sandal to the step. "I just... the power I felt, it was great. It felt so good."

Katsuko looked shocked with puffy red eyes. She herself never actually lost control of her own demon, so she couldn't exactly relate to Yuzuki on that level. "What did you do?"

"I killed the enemy that ambushed us. Every single one."

"Then they deserved it. And you deserved to serve them justice, you deserved to feel that power."

Yuzuki shook her head. "It felt like every inch of my body was on fire, Katsuko. I didn't enjoy it."

"I get that." she leant on the post. "Unfortunately, with the war, we just get good at what we don't enjoy."

"You mean killing?"


Yuzuki dropped with a sigh. She sat on the porch steps pressing her face into her palms. "I hate this. I hate the war. I wish it would all end."

Katsuko came to sit by Yuzuki on the steps. "Me too." she said. "I don't know what I'd do If I lost you too. Or anyone for that matter." and they sat there in silence. Not particularly enjoying each others company, but also relishing in the company. There was nothing else they could say to each other.

"Sometimes it feels like he's still around." Yuzuki chuckled. "I think he's gonna come around the corner or come smashing threw my window to crack some stupid joke he thought of."

"I'll miss the arguments he and Kakashi would get into."

"Oh don't worry, Guy's keeping Kakashi busy."

"... It would be about the stupidest things sometimes." Katsuko smiled at the thought. "I remember one time they argued about whether a chicken could swim or not."

"How did that start?"

"I have no idea."

From the dirt path Hiko came strolling towards him home. His mouth came open in surprise seeing Katsuko and Yuzuki together again. "Oh, you girls are... talking again. That's great." he smiled warmly coming to the steps where they sat. "Why don't you come inside, Yuzuki, I'll make you girls some dinner."

Yuzuki opened her mouth to objectify knowing her father had food at home, but the expectant look on Katsuko's face made her decide differently.


Hiko clasped his hands together happily and brought their heads under his arms to pull them inside. "This is wonderful! I'm so happy!"

Katsuko sported a goofy smile to Yuzuki from underneath her father's arm, and she returned the gesture with a small smile. 

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