Chapter 12: The Bell Test

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The bell test began almost immediately. The four students raced towards Minato and he simply jumped over their heads and away. The four of them started to chase after him, each taking a chance in running at him to steal the bells he tauntingly held between his fingers.

Yuzuki, with her active sharingan, raced towards Minato with her hand outstretched and he lifted his arm and pushed her into the ground. Obito took his turn to attack and Minato jumped over his head. Rin tried to take the opportunity while Minato was 'distracted' and tried to grab a bell but Minato leaped away.

Kakashi ran toward Minato and he kept leaping back to avoid Kakashi.

"This is harder than it seems." Yuzuki implied and jumped to her feet. "Gotta be quick." she told herself and ran towards Minato at the same time Obito did.

Minato leaped into the air causing Obito and Yuzuki's foreheads to collide. They collapse in a lump of bodies and throbbing heads.

"Ouch!" cried Obito.

Yuzuki jumped to her feet and ran after Minato with a thump on her forehead.

Rin leaped into the air and landed where Minato was seconds ago and he reappeared across the field. Kakashi tried to keep low but nothing he used seemed to work against Minato, who simply lifted his foot and kicked Kakashi back.

Surprisingly, Yuzuki was quick enough to jump onto Minato's back and she grabbed ahold of his extended arm and tried to reel in the bells he was gripping. Minato flipped over in the air and threw Yuzuki from his back.

Obito came yelling with his hand reaching out when Minato stepped aside and avoided him. Rin tried the same method and failed.

By this time Kakashi was becoming frustrated. He was not going to fail against Obito, and if anyone was being sent back to the academy it was him.

Yuzuki tried Obito's method and found herself being pulled by her wrist and thrown into the ground again. She rose to her feet and tried again.

Minato leaped farther back with a smug smile on his face and dodged Kakashi when he came running for the bells.

It might have been half an hour by the time the four students were growing tired of trying to snatch themselves a bell. Minato was far too quick and much too skilled for their liking.

Kakashi stopped to catch his breath watching Minato effortlessly avoided Yuzuki, Obito, and Rin. He hadn't even broken a sweat yet.

He knew Minato was giving them some sort of break by taking it easy. But Kakashi wasn't going to get a bell alone.

"You'll never get it at the rate you're going!" taunted Minato as he easily dodged the three students who continued to charge at him, they leaped and jumped and slid across the ground, they didn't think it was possible to fend off this many students at once.

Of course, Kakashi thought watching, Minato was taking it easy on them, but compared to how he was with Obito and Rin, he was a little harder on Yuzuki and Kakashi.

Kakashi attacked again once he caught his breath. He ran behind Minato's back thinking he had the element of surprise, but Minato turned and dodged Kakashi.

Obito tripped over his own feet and rolled into the ground. Yuzuki was leant over on her knees breathing heavily and Rin was slumped on the ground.

"Obito, Rin, Yuzuki." Kakashi called for their attention. Even Minato turned in surprise. "The first formation we learned at the Academy."

"Huh?" Obito replied confused and rose to his feet.

"I doubt a simple formation like that would work against Minato Sensei." informed Rin also rising to her feet.

"Just do it!"

Yuzuki frowned. "I guess we could try."

"It's better than doing nothing..." replied Obito unhappy with the fact that Kakashi was telling him to do something. "Okay, I'm in!"

"Okay, lets' go." ordered Kakashi. All four students began to run circles around Minato and he proudly watching them when they started to jump and flip over his head to try and confuse him.

To Kakashi there was only one opening he could see with Minato, and he was going to use the other three to achieve his goal, even when Minato was oblivious and thought of it as team work. No. This was for Kakashi's own sake.

Minato twisted and turned, following the pattern of each student as they jumped and flipped over his head, he was watching for the moment they would attack.

The four of them closed in suddenly. They launched themselves at Minato and he readied himself. He gripped the bells tightly in his hands. His blue eyes scanned the movement and his eyes locked with Yuzuki's two tomoe sharingan. There a look of determination in her eye and he assumed with her sharingan she had the highest chance to snatching a bell. But what was most unexpected was when a hand slipped under his arm and wrapped around a bell.

Minato gasped with surprise and Kakashi slipped away with a bell. Yuzuki's hand reached out for the second bell and before her finger barely grazed the metal, Minato pulled them away and he leaped out of their formation.

"I was so close!" cursed Yuzuki landing on her feet.

Minato smiled impressed with this team. "You all pass." he decided. All four students were either bent over or on the floor huffing and puffing and drenched in sweat. "We'll start our first mission tomorrow."

"All right!" cheered Obito and he threw his arms into the air. "That's more like it. I can show my skills in a real battle!"

"Actually, the first mission is inside the village. Like finding a lost pet or an item."

Obito grunted. "Those are just odd jobs."

"A mission is a mission. If you succeed, I'll assign more important missions." Minato explained before turning his gaze to to masked boy. "Kakashi, you've already been on many missions and this may seem boring, but do your best anyway."

"Okay, Kakashi, I challenge you." announced Obito and Kakashi hummed in confusion. "Let's see who can complete more missions."

"That's stupid. Do as you please." was Kakashi reply.

"You chicken?"

"What was that?"

Yuzuki groaned loudly and stood straight. "I'm going home, I can't listen to you to argue like a bunch of girls."

"I'm not a girl!" Obito shouted back. 

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