Chapter 17: Secret Missive

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Rin and Kakashi were stopped in an open field in the forest, both breathing heavily. "We've come this far," said Kakashi taking in deep breaths. "We should be safe."

"What about Obito and Yuzuki?" Rin implied.

"Minato Sensei is with them. I'm sure they're fine."

A Hidden Hot Spring shinobi approached the two young ones and said, "Thank you. I must hand it to the Yellow Flash's team. Thanks to you the secret missive will be delivered safely."

"Don't mention it." Kakashi replied. "Unfortunately, one man had to be sacrificed."

"That could not be helped."

The two other shinobi reached for kunai with cruel grins. "However... he won't be the only sacrifice." they slashed an x across the remaining shinobi, staining their kunai with blood.

Kakashi and Rin's eyes widened in shock. The shinobi fell into the grass grunting in pain.

"What's going on?!" Rin demanded an answer.

The shinobi on the ground with an 'x' slashed into his back painfully pushed himself to his elbows. "S- so you're the traitors?"

"Since you were so focused on completing the mission, you made our mission easier." one of the traitors said.

"Even someone like the Yellow Flash can't span this distance quickly enough." the other one said. "Sorry, but you're going to have to die too." and they launched themselves at the two genin.

"Rin, get out of here!" Kakashi ordered.


"You'll get in my way!"

Rin was quick to back away to give Kakashi room to leap back out of the way and he made his hand signs. He pressed his hands to the ground saying, "Earth style; mud wall!" a large wall erupted from the ground forcing the two traitors to jump over and find the boy was gone.

"Damn, they got away."

but from within the wall which Kakashi burst out of he drew his white chakra blade into the back of one traitor and he fell dead. The other was quick in jumping away.

Kakashi's eyes scanned the field for the last remaining traitor and found no sign of him. He sheathed his blade and leaped over to the man carrying the secret missive, and Rin joined him there too.

"Rin!" Kakashi said turning the injured shinobi onto his back.

"I'll start treatment immediately." Rin took to examining the critical condition of the shinobi and began a healing treatment. She held out her hand and a light green chakra illuminated.

In the field, Minato, Obito and Yuzuki appeared in segments until their bodies completely teleported to the location.

"What happened, Kakashi?" Minato was quick to come his students side. Obito and Yuzuki however seemed dazed.

"Minato Sensei!"

Obito blinked out of his daze wondering who he got here and how Kakashi and Rin was here. "Kakashi... Rin..." he looked at his own hand. "How am I here?"

"Sensei teleported us," Yuzuki nudged his shoulder trying to wake him from his daze. "Come on." she took his upper arm and pulled him along.

"Kakashi, what happened here?" asked Minato.

"We teleported them safely to this point, but the other two were traitors."

"Two of them?"

The injured shinobi on the ground opened his mouth to speak in painful grunts. "Please, I'm not going to make it." he reached into his flask jacket and revealed a purple scroll. "The contents of this secret missive..."

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