Chapter 21: Vacancy

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Yuzuki stood at the front of the horde of genin students around the notice board. Mostly everyone cheered and rejoiced for passing the first exam. Yuzuki's eyes trailed down the alphabetical order. She found Rin's name, she found Kakashi's name. She even found her own name,

"I passed!" she rejoiced shaking Obito's shoulder. But they didn't find Obito's name. His smile began to falter as his eyes trailed down the list and he hoped and prayed.

Rin pointed out her name. "I did it too!"

"Where's your name, Obito?" Yuzuki became worried.

Obito's lip quivered seeing his name absent from the board. "How, I answered the questions... the proctor didn't see me cheat, did he?"

"Then we'd all be disqualified."

The crowd began to leave, some rejoiced and others didn't. One group stayed to celebrate and one was leaning against the notice board.

Katsuko was celebrating with her team, Guy challenged Kakashi, who leant against the wall waiting for his teammates, who he then refused Guy's challenge.

"Well, what did you expect?" Kakashi said. "You can't even cheat."

"This was just a written test, I'll pass, just you wait and see." Obito took to searching the notice board again. "I'll find my name..." he muttered.

Yuzuki sighed and glanced at Rin. They had the same look on their faces. Obito sighed heavily and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I guess not." he turned away with his head down.

"... Obito." As Yuzuki went to comfort Obito, the person leaning on the board finally moved to reveal the last row of names.

Rin gasped pointing at the board. "There is it, Obito, your name!" she pointed excitedly. At the very bottom of the board was Obito Uchiha's name in a vacancy spot.

He turned on his heel and came inches from the board unable to believe his eyes. "I passed?" his entire face lit up like a child receiving candy. "I did it!" he threw his hands in the air. "I passed!"

Rin clapped for him happily.

"That's so like you." stated Kakashi. "A vacancy spot."

"At least he passed." defended Yuzuki. Obito was too happy to care about Kakashi's slid comments.

"With your help."

"Mostly Katsuko."

Obito embraced Rin tightly and happy that he passed even if was by a hairline. "I have to thank Katsuko!" he informed searching the small crowd for the fiery orange headed girl.

"There is no time for celebration!" shouted a proctor. "Go to your assigned classroom and the second part of the exam will be explained."

"Part two will commence three days from now." the proctor explained to the teams sitting in rows of tables. "This will test your physical skills. Use everything you know about taijutsu and ninjutsu to get through this next exam."

"All right I got this." said Obito.

"However, this test pits your team against others." the proctor announced.

"It's not an individual competition?" Obito said surprised before turning to Kakashi who sat on the other end of the table with Yuzuki to his right. "Kakashi, you better not drag us down."

Kakashi scoffed. "Right back at you."


"Will you two stop!" Rin demanded. The angry look on her face made Obito blush and he sat back down.

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