Chapter 4: Akuma Yoki

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Two more years passed training as a ninja in the academy. With each day, Yuzuki excelled alongside her classmates. She was different in some ways compared to them. Her chakra control was almost perfect, even on the first try. Not even Kakashi was able to match up. She felt sorrow for him, ever since his father died, he was more stuck up than usual and everything was about rules.

But it wasn't just her skills as a nin, it was much more, something deeper within herself, she could feel it and so could Katsuko. But the Hibiki girl merely brushed off the feeling as a manifestation of incredible chakra.

Yuzuki's mother married into the Uchiha clan, so perhaps she was a Hibiki descendent or related in someway. There was no other explanation she could think of.

Yuzuki and Katsuko sat cross legged from across each other. Their academy sensei instructed they focused on meditating and chakra control.

In truth, their sensei and the Third Hokage were watching from the top classroom. "I would recommend they both take the exam with Kakashi as well." said Daikouku, the academy sensei. "They're both just as talented and brilliant."

The Third Hokage hummed curiously. "Unfortunately, they cannot." he said. "Katsuko still has much to learn about controlling her demon, she is not ready."

"And for Yuzuki?"

"She isn't mature enough."

Daikouku was unaware of the situation. The Third Hokage, however, was. He knew about the demon sealed within the Uchiha girl. Fugaku Uchiha had told him of the situation; Yuzuki's mother had demon chakra transferred to herself resulting in Yuzuki being born with a Hibiki demon.

While they sat with their legs crossed and eyes closed, Yuzuki could feel her chakra coursing through her body. She could feel herself slipping into an unconscious state of mind. The sounds of the world around her was drowned out.

Behind the blackness of her eyelids, she could see a strange shape. Two beady red eyes opened and Yuzuki's body jolted. A sudden burst of chakra escaped her body and the shock sent both her and Katsuko to fall back.

Katsuko raised her head in shock. Yuzuki had the same expression. The class stopped their training exercise in curiosity. Obito saw from the bench he was sitting on and came rushing to them. "What was that about?"

"I don't know." Yuzuki replied dazed.

Daikouku and Lord Third looked to each other. "See?" chuckled Lord Third. "They aren't ready." he laughed cheerily and Daikouku chuckled nervously. He supposed the Hokage was right after all. But now it was time to access Kakashi Hatake to deem him worthy of becoming a genin.

Katsuko sat up. "Did you feel that?" she questioned and Yuzuki nodded in reply. It came from her. Whatever that sudden burst of chakra was, whatever that strange sensation was. It defiantly came from her.

"Feel what?" asked Obito concerned.

"Nothing, Obito, don't worry."

The image of two red eyes was burnt behind Yuzuki's eyes. She couldn't get the image out of her head. It disgruntled her for the remainder of the day.

Rin then came jogging to them. "Did you guy's hear about Kakashi?"

"Hear what?"

"Kakashi is becoming a genin."

Obito shot up to his feet. "Huh? Kakashi's taking the graduation exam?"


"But, he's the same age as us."

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