Chapter 6: A Dark Abyss

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Today was Yuzuki's first day of training with Hiko Hibiki. His house was isolated from any other house or clan compound, it was like a short hike on a path through the trees to find his house. But when she and Katsuko finally arrived, Hiko was already on the front porch of his small house hidden within the foliage.

"So I can learn to control him?" asked Yuzuki.

"In a manner of speaking, yes." replied Hiko clapping his hands together. "My demon lends me his chakra when I need an excessive amount more. He is the source of my jutsu and each demon is unique to the individual in terms of power and chakra. Some aren't powerful at all whereas others are very powerful, mine is somewhat in the middle. It's also the reason why most Hibiki become medical nin."

"Does it have a name?"

"Gakon. They name themselves, don't ask."

"Mine is called Void." announced Katsuko proudly. "because it's literally a black hole."

"Creative." Hiko laughed. "Yuzuki, has your demon ever spoken to you? Do you ever hear a voice?"

Yuzuki shook her head. "No...?"

"That means he's dormant, good. The scary part is you need to wake him up and it won't be a pleasant experience. Every Hibiki child goes through this. Katsuko already has." Hiko explained leading the two girls into the house. He led them into the tatami room where the candles were lit in a circle on the floor.

Yuzuki was instructed to lay in the circle.

"I'll be with you right here, no matter what." said Hiko. "All you need to do is stay calm." he began to conduct the ritual. His fingers lit with chakra and on the air he drew the kanji for the elements. Fire, water, wind, earth, and lightning.

Hiko then slashed his fingers threw the kanji written on the air and they dissipated. A yin and yang symbol appeared above Yuzuki's body in a glowing format.

"Demon within, obey me and awaken."

Yuzuki's eyes closed and her body remained still. Katsuko stood over her friend wondering. "How long will it take?"

"As long as it needs to take."

Within herself, Yuzuki awoke in a dark place. There was nothing around her but darkness and a light illuminating around her small figure. She swallowed heavily feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She took a step forward and her foot submerged into water at ankle height. She cautiously wondered forward through the water that rippled with each step she took.

Somewhere in this dark abyss she heard the echo of a rattling chain. Yuzuki spun on her heel searching the darkness that surrounded her. She kept advancing forward feeling like it was the only way to go in this never ending place.

In the distance she could make out the vague outline of a large hill. She wasn't sure if her eyes were playing tricks, but it seemed like there was something ahead. The closer she came to the dark outline the larger it grew.

Yuzuki eventually reached the hill that curved and loomed over her like a snakes body. Its tail coiled and outstretched with a line of hair following its spine. It was breathing heavily. Before her was large scale patterns and a foot peaking from under the body of this snake figure. Three long sharp claws the length of two men glistened in the glow that surrounded her.

Yuzuki let out a shaky breath. This was the demon that resided within her.

She outstretched a shaky hand and placed her palm to a scale of the body. She could feel how cold it was with every inhale and exhale.

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