Chapter 40: Before Dawn

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They followed the footsteps to the border of the Land of Fire. They treaded carefully knowing it was a trap. But the question remained as to why. What did the Hidden Mist want?

"Stop!" warned Yuzuki and they came to a sudden stop. "Ahead." she pointed straight. "They're ahead, I can feel it. Two dozen, maybe more..." she trailed off feeling a large amount of chakra. "But, there's a larger presence."

Kakashi looked to her in the glow of the afternoon sun. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know." she pressed a hand to her chest. "But it's making Jurun excited." she could feel him stirring within her.

"This can't be anything good."

"We should just focus on rescuing Rin. Don't worry about me or Jurun."

Kakashi nodded understanding their situation and lifted his headband to reveal his left eye. "We should get closer."

They both silently crept threw the trees making their way to the edge of the camp where a mass of Mist ninja where gathered and there in the middle was Rin. Ropes bound her hands behind her back and she laid on her side. It was here that the mass of chakra was located, it was radiating from the girl on the ground.

But the Mist ninja weren't oblivious, they knew the two brats where here. A black ops came falling from above and he landed between Kakashi and Yuzuki. Immediately they split and jumped away. It was a trap and now they're exposed.

"Don't underestimate the Blood Mist village." the man growled behind his mask lunging at Yuzuki. Her thunder kunai clashed with his blade and they leaped apart.

Kakashi was attacked too. He had several ninja advance in his position and he activated his chidori to plow his way through the enemy.

Yuzuki ducked under the swing of a fist and drove her kunai into a jonin's torso. He splurged blood and she leaped off his body. She used the chance to propel herself into the camp landing by Rin.

"Rin!" she called nudging the girl with her foot while keeping her eyes on the enemy that surrounded her. "Rin, get up!"

Rin's eyes peeled open and she shot up in surprise. "You shouldn't be here!" she shook her head.

"Come on, we're getting out of here."

"I wouldn't be so sure!" several kunai were thrown and Yuzuki blocked their attacks. She stepped over Rin and swiftly sliced the ropes binding her hands.

"Get up!"

Kakashi flew past with lighting eradicating from his hands and he pierced an anbu threw a tree. Rin stood on shaky legs taking a kunai from Yuzuki's pouch. "You shouldn't be here." she repeated in a shaky voice. "I can't go back, everyone will die."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't go back to the village. They did something to me."

"We'll debate this later, we need to get out of here first." a red ribcage formed around Yuzuki and a skeletal arm reached out crushing anyone who was too slow to move. The susanoo grabbed Rin's body and Yuzuki leaped into the air. She called out to Kakashi and he was quick to follow. The susanoo set Rin on a branch and team seven headed back.

"It's a trap!" cried Rin. "They want you to take me back. They want you take me back to the village, but I can never go back. Everyone will die!"

"What are you talking about, Rin?"

"You have to kill me."

Yuzuki came to a holt and she grasped Rin. "What?" she wasn't sure she heard right. Even Kakashi stood in shock.

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