Chapter 56: Sign Of The Times

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Yuzuki hadn't heard from Itachi in two days. Not since the meeting on Wednesday night and today was Friday. Her date with Kakashi would be in two days and the closer it came the more nervous and excited she became.

But since completing a recent mission to deliver a message to a small village in the Hidden Waterfall, she still hadn't heard from Itachi. She waited in anticipation to hear what the big plan was; and right now, that was the only thing on her mind. It consumed her thoughts. They only had two weeks to stop the coup.

"Hey," Katsuko strolled up to Yuzuki who was making her way home. "Since your date is coming up, do you have an outfit planned?"

"I planned that two days ago."

"Prepared. I like it." Katsuko said checking her nails. "My dad and I are having a small dinner, he asked if you would come."

"I can't tonight."


"I have something important to do."

"Come on, Yuzuki. You keep saying that. What's so important anyway."


"Nothing?" Katsuko flailed her arms. "Either you have something important or it's nothing."

"Yes." Yuzuki quickened her pace, but Katsuko kept her strides in time. "Seriously, maybe another time."

Katsuko groaned dramatically. "I don't know what's up with the Uchiha clan right now, but this has to stop. It's been weeks since we've hung out as friends and not Anbu."

Yuzuki turned on her heel and came inches from Katsuko's face. "Katsuko." she stated firmly. "This has to do with the fate of the Leaf Village. It's something you won't understand, so stop pestering me."

Katsuko furrowed her eyebrows feeling her her heart twist. "What does that mean? It's not your demon is it?"

"Worse." she stepped back. "Just go home. That's an order." and continued her way home. Katsuko was left standing in the middle of the street horror-struck. The sun was setting on a full moon tonight and dread filled Katsuko's insides. She swiftly turned on her heel to head home to tell her father. She needed his advice.

Yuzuki came into her home sliding off her boots and left them neatly at the door. She unstrapped her weapons and left them aside.

She walked into the kitchen to make herself a soothing cup of tea. The lights were out and the house was quiet. Her father wasn't home.

Yuzuki sat on her porch enjoying her tea and gazing out over the sand garden which would need maintenance. Pink flower pedals littered the grass and the sand, which her father often complained about. She watched the sun set on an orange sky before the full moon came into view. She had Kakashi on her mind. She wondered what he was doing right now, if he was thinking of her.

She was excited for their date.

Daichi had returned home seeing Yuzuki on the porch. He didn't greet her, he simply headed upstairs. The tensity could be felt in the air. There was something unspoken between Yuzuki and her father. She didn't know what it was, but she could feel it was there.

She paced around the house waiting for Itachi. She thought she was going to drive herself mad wondering where he was and why he was taking so damn long. She showered and dressed into clean clothes to continue waiting for him.

All this time, her father hadn't emerged from his bedroom.

Yuzuki felt a presence behind her in the kitchen and she turned to see Itachi in his Anbu uniform. "Where have you been? I was getting worried." she said. "What did they reveal?"

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