Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Hiko Hibiki rapped his fists against the front door of the Uchiha household. He stood in waiting with Katsuko. No answer came to the door and he knocked harshly again.

The door came open and Yuzuki was surprised to see Katsuko and her father. She swallowed nervously.

"Hello, Yuzuki." greeted Hiko with a smile. "Is your father home? I need to speak with him urgently."

"Uh..." Yuzuki glanced to Katsuko, whom she revealed the truth to yesterday. She made Katsuko promise not to tell anyone and it seems she told her father. Katsuko averted her yellow eyes ashamed. "My father is with guests."

"Who, may I ask?"

"My uncle."

"Fugaku, the head of the clan, even better." Hiko abruptly pushed open the door despite Yuzuki's attempts to keep him out. Hiko didn't bother taking off his shoes before storming through the house.

Yuzuki shot a glare at Katsuko. "You told him?"

"I had too, I'm sorry."

"You promised!"

"I know, but if you don't get the proper help you need, things can get bad." exclaimed Katsuko. "I just want you to understand."

Yuzuki scoffed and stormed after Hiko where she could hear him in an argument with her father and uncle in the dining room. The two young girls came into the archway to see Daichi and Fugaku sitting calmly while Hiko was spilling his discontent to them.

"How did you come into possession of a Hibiki demon?" Hiko demanded answers. "It is literally impossible, and why would you ever seal it away in a child?!"

Fugaku rose from his seat. "Hiko, please remain calm and I will explain."

"Explain to me why I was never notified!"

"It was never your concern."

Hiko became silent and Fugaku continued to calmly explain. "Yuzuki was born with this demon." he announced and confusion struck Hiko, Katsuko and Yuzuki. That wasn't the story her father told her. She opened her mouth to protest but the glare her father shot made her close her mouth.

"No, she doesn't have Hibiki blood, thats true."

"Well I heard a different story, Fugaku." said Hiko.

"It all had to do with Ayame."

"Ayame was sweet, she would never do-"

Daichi interrupted Hiko. "Please, Hiko, I know you may not understand, but there was much about Ayame neither of us knew."

"You're right, I don't understand."

"During her pregnancy, Ayame..." Daichi paused to take in a breath as if to make it seem the topic was difficult to talk about. "Ayame discovered something, she wouldn't say what exactly. She had chakra transferred to herself. Demon chakra."

Hiko's legs felt wobbly and he had to take a seat. "Ayame... why?"

"I was reluctant to tell Yuzuki this." explained Daichi. "I didn't want the image of her mother destroyed, so I told her a different story. One she might have told you. But, however or wherever Ayame learnt this information or got into contact with a demon, is beyond my own knowledge or understanding."

Hiko leant over the table to whisper. "Is this what killed her?" he asked softly so that the girls wouldn't be able to hear, but they did. Daichi merely nodded in response. Yuzuki and Katsuko glanced at each other.

"How do you know it was demon chakra?"

"She told me when my daughter was born. I didn't want to believe it either."

"This is absurd." Hiko ran stressed hands threw his wild orange hair. Fugaku and Daichi looked to each other momentarily and impressed their lies were being believed. This was the same lie they fed the Third Hokage.

"The Elders need to know-"

"No!" said Fugaku and Hiko raised an eyebrow. "If you tell the Hibiki Elders I'm afraid it will ruin the Uchiha name. I'm sure you can understand this as we are the most revered clan in the nations. Something as petty like this cannot be revealed."

"Petty? Fugaku, you understand Yuzuki possesses a demon that must be declared."

"Not with the way it was created. If she had Hibiki blood, then I would agree with you. If the Elders knew of the state of the condition this demon was created... I know they will hurt Yuzuki. They will hunt her down, kill her, maybe. Experiment for all we know. She is a child. We don't wish any of this burden upon her."

Hiko rubbed stubble of his beard. "You are right, the Elders are ruthless in that manner. It's why they were chosen."

"For all we know they were the ones who killed my wife." replied Daichi. "I don't want the same for my daughter, Yuzuki is all we have left of Ayame."

Hiko looked to the young black haired girl standing in the doorway. He loved Ayame, they were close friends. "All right, then." he nodded in agreement.

"We're glad you can see our side." said Fugaku.

"If Yuzuki does not get the proper training to control and discipline this demon, it will get out of control." Hiko motioned to the young girl in the doorway. "I am capable of training her if you will allow me." he then politely bowed before Fugaku and Daichi in respect. "I understand the situation now. Instead I will offer my support."

Daichi and Fugaku looked to each other in agreement. "Very well." said Fugaku. "Yuzuki, you will train under Hiko every afternoon until you learn to discipline this demon."

Yuzuki nodded. "I will, uncle."

Hiko straightened himself. "Does this demon have a name?"

"... We're not sure." he lied.

Hiko hummed curiously. "I will do my best." he turned on his heel. "Katsuko." he called leaving the household. Katsuko tried to smile to Yuzuki when she passed, but she turned her head away.

Daichi and Fugaku waited in silence to make sure they had properly left before resuming their conversation.

"Why did you lie to them?" asked Yuzuki.

"Yuzuki, sometimes things need to be done in order to obtain your objective." explained Daichi. "Hiko cannot know the real reason you have this demon, otherwise he will notify the Elders, and I did not lie about them. They will kill you if they know, do you understand? You cannot tell anyone the truth. Ever. Not even Katsuko, or the Third Hokage. For your own protection."

"I understand."

"On a brighter note" Daichi returned to his conversation with his elder brother. "... I am happy for you, brother, on this day." said Daichi. "What are you expecting?"

"A boy."

"About time if I might add."

Yuzuki came closer to the table in interest. She rested her chin in her palm. Her father then said, "Yuzuki, your uncle and aunt are having a child."

"A baby?" she repeated and her father nodded. "Congratulations, uncle."

"I still remember the day Yuzuki was born." commented Fugaku. "We celebrated all night." they laughed with fond memories. "My little brother with a child before me." Fugaku placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"That's what happens when you are slow." chuckled Daichi.

"Thats what happens when you are young and in love."

"What happens?" asked Yuzuki curiously.

"Many things you will one day learn." her father replied. 

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