Chapter 46: Death Reaper Seal

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The death of the Fourth Hokage and his wife was a great toll on the village of Konoha. The entire village mourned and all those they had lost during the attack. The funeral honouring the Hokage, Kushina and all brave shinobi seemed to pass by as a blur for Yuzuki.

She stood in black clothes with her friends surrounding her, but it seemed like she stood there alone with Kakashi by her side. They had run out of tears now. All they had was the feeling of deep sorrow in losing their Sensei.

Days passed before Yuzuki finally mustered up the strength to see the little baby Minato and Kushina died protecting. She stood behind the window pane peering into the room of babies in cradles. To the left was Naruto tucked in blankets sleeping peacefully in his cradle.

Behind her hospital staff observed from the desk a little ways down the corridor. Hiko approached Yuzuki and stood to peer into the dark room of sleeping babies. "Would you like to see him?" he asked softly.

Yuzuki glanced up with tired eyes and nodded. Without a word, Hiko led her to the door and allowed her inside. He guided her threw the rows of cradles, some empty and some with babies waiting to be returned to their parents.

Hiko stopped at Naruto's cot. Yuzuki slowly approached to see the chubby cheeked baby and yellow hair like Minato. His little mouth was agape and his chest rose and fell with each little breath.

Tears filled Yuzuki's eyes. "It's not fair." she croaked.

"I know." said Hiko lowering his yellow eyes. "I know."

"If I just... disobeyed orders-"


Yuzuki eyes met with Hiko's yellow eyes. "Wha...?"

"This is not your fault. Minato and Kushina gave their lives for Naruto. Don't disrespect their memory." Hiko explained. "Naruto is alive and healthy. Despite being a Jinchuuriki now, he is the embodiment of his parents."

"Then why are they calling him 'Uzumaki' and not Namikaze?"

"Because he is a Jinchuuriki and the son of the Fourth Hokage. It's to protect him."

Yuzuki wiped away the tear that escaped her eye. "I'll always protect him."

Hiko placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know you will."

A light knock came to the door and Katsuko was found standing there in casual clothes. "The third Hokage requests us." she informed. But the tone of her voice told Yuzuki that whatever the Third Hokage was summoning them for, wasn't for any good reason.

Yuzuki followed Katsuko from the Hospital and together they walked to the Hokage's building. Yuzuki could only stare at Minato's mountain monument. She already missed seeing him.

"What do you think the old man wants?" Katsuko tried to strike a conversation.

"I don't know." was all Yuzuki said.

Together they approached the Hokage's office and knocked. They heard a faint 'enter' from the Third. Yuzuki and Katsuko came to stand before the Third Hokage who was appointed his position as the Hokage again.

"You called for us, Lord Third?" said Yuzuki.

"Yes." Hiruzen rose from his seat to peer out of the wide open windows to the village below where the destruction of the Nine Tails was clear. "I have some... disappointing news. Mostly for you,  Yuzuki."

Yuzuki shook her head. What else could possibly disappoint her now?

"It was decided with the Council, that, and I regret to say, both of you are ordered to stay away from Naruto Uzumaki until he is of the right age."

Yuzuki rose her head. "What?" she spat. "What does that even mean- you can't! Naruto is all that's left of Minato and Kushina, you know how much they meant to me!"

Hiruzen sighed deeply. "I understand. But it was agreed that in your current state you are unstable. You are grieving the deaths of your teammates and now your Sensei."


"This also makes your demon unstable." Hiruzen turned to face the girls. Yuzuki bowed her head again. "Naruto is only a mere baby, and a Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tails to make matters worse. This information will be kept top secret, do you both understand?"

"Yes, but-"

"This is also the reason why it was decided you must keep your distance until Naruto is old enough to make his own decisions. This is to ensure his safety and the safety of the village. I hope you understand."

"That's too long!"

"You are fourteen!" Hiruzen snapped causing Yuzuki to be taken back. "How will you defy my orders! How will you intent on raising a baby let alone care for him? You will keep your distance. That is final."

Yuzuki's mouth fell open horror. She looked to Katsuko for some kind of back up, but she only turned her head away. She scoffed, "This is ridiculous." she muttered and stormed from the office in a rage.

"Forgive her, Lord Hokage." said Katsuko.

Hiruzen took in a deep breath and sat back in his chair. "Do not apologies. I fully understand why she is upset. In time, she will understand."

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