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I sat in my room thinking about what Marco said to me. He was different to the Marco I saw for the past few weeks at the club.

How could I be his Rose. How don't I remember him at all before he took over the club. His eyes and his deep, gruff voice were familiar but it couldn't be because I knew him.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Dinner is ready." the housekeeper said.

Throughout dinner I tried to avoid Marco but it was hard considering he was sitting next to me. His mom still thought we were a couple even when I told her I was his PA.

"So Lonicka how has Marco been treating you?" Grace asked

"Like a boss should treat his employee?" It came out as more of a question than I expected. I was a little uncomfortable because I knew it wasn't a work related question.

"How is that lovely girl Portia?" His dad asked changing the subject as if sensing my discomfort.

"I fucked her and let her go -he made a shooting motion on the side of his head- popped her head. She became too demanding." Marco said naturally.

My breath caught in my throat and I chocked on what I was eating. His mom acted as if everything was normal and his dad didn't look surprised.

I started coughing as I tried to get some air in my lungs and drank water. "Scusi" I said, the only other word I knew, and retreated to my room.

I heard shouting minutes later as I sat on my bed with my arms around my knees. It was all in Italian but I somewhat knew it was about me. 

Marco killed someone? I couldn't imagine it. Sure he was a club owner and was probably involved in other kinds of illegal activities but I didn't think killing would be one of them.

I knew I should have quit the day he started working there, he was just sketchy and seemed dangerous.

My phone vibrated next to me and I looked at the caller ID I sighed in relief and I answered. 'Hey Jay.' There was silence on the other line before an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Miss Du Pont this is Jacob's brother, Matthew. Jay was involved in an accident at Club X. You're listed as one of the emergency contacts and I wanted to let you know that he is stable and he's been asking for you." His voice was manly and deep, I just remembered that Jay once told me he had a successful estranged lawyer brother.

I let out a sob and a tear fell down my cheek. "I wish I could come and see him but I can't. I'm out of the country right now and I don't know when I'll return."

"I understand. I'll inform you if when he is discharged." He said calmly.

The argument seemed short-lived because Marco emerged not long after. "Pack your bags we're leaving."

"I'm really sorry but I have to go Matthew. I'd really love an update." I hung up as we said our goodbyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I stayed rooted in my place and started wiping my tears. "You have 20 minutes" he gruffly said and left.

We arrived at an apartment building in the city. It was definitely the expensive kind.

"Hurry up" he yelled after me.

I walked trying to juggle my luggage. "A little help would be appreciated." I said panting with exasperation.

The penthouse definitely looked lika a million dollars. I gave a low whistle and admired the interior afraid to touch anything.

"You can sit in the lounge if you want" he said. He looked at me as if I had never seen a sofa before. I had never seen one this expensive. Even Geen & Richards back home didn't have these kind.

"I know. I'm still admiring the place" I said going to the kitchen. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, the softest most plush rug decorated the floor. Floor to celing windows, the fridge was even stocked with food. Last time I saw anything like this I must've been eighteen.

"Sit down please you're creeping me out. Almost like you've never seen none of this stuff. I've came here with you once, it was your life."

I snapped out of my trans-like state and saw the nostalgic expression adorning his face. He was lost in his reverie.

"What did you say?" He looked at me as if he was never daydreaming. "We leave in a day or two. I don't want to spend anymore precious time here."

I put my hands on my hips and clearly studied him. He had stress lines on his forehead and he was glaring at the floor in concentration. His dark hair disheveled and his shirt untucked, suit jacket abandoned. He still looked perfect like nothing was out of place with him. He flexed his muscles clenching his jaw. He was out of sight in a blink.

I had a satisfied smirk. He might've tried to hide it but my gaze made him squirm. 'You were the love of his life' a voice in my head reminded. "Apparently" I signed.

I went to the only room in the house knowing I'd have to sleep beside him again. He was in bed already looking blankly the ceiling.

"What were you arguing about with your parents?" I asked remembering it on my mind the entire evening.

He looked at me with uncertainty but proceeded to tell me. "You've met Grace and Marcel before. My madre wanted to know how you lost your memory, she was unbeknownst the entire time, hence her personal gestures. I refused to tell her. Nothing big." I knew he left out something important otherwise we wouldn't have left immediately might I add in a hurry.

"There's more I know"

He moved closer to me "you will know in due time." He encircled his arms around my waist and enhaled the scent of my hair. He fell asleep shortly after.

Sleep didn't come easy, I was scared to fall asleep because I didn't want to dream of that day again.

I also thought of Jay's cheerful face in front of me. He was the life of the party. I sighed and stared at the ceiling and a tear streaked down my face. I haphazrdly wiped it as I felt Marco's hands around me tighten. It's going to be a long night.

I could feel his cock pressed against my ass, which I thought would be uncomfortable but not as much.

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