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I woke up in Marco's private jet. I looked around and he was typing furiously on his laptop. I sat up from where I was sitting and noticed we were airborne. I must have been out for a while.

"Where are we going?"

"Sicily." He didn't spare me a glance and continued typing.

“Sicily as in where the crazy Mafioso who abducted me are located?” He stopped typing and briefly stared at me; he leaned in closing the distance between us and pushed my hair away from my face. “Yes I have some business matters there.”

I removed his hand from my forehead, his eyes remained on me. "Where's my daughter?" I remembered that she was kidnapped along with my brother.

He sighed and looked at his laptop. "I wish I had all the answers but I don't. I have a team looking for them as we speak." He continued with his work.

I tilted my head sideways and looked at him. "Are you sure you can trust them after all the shit that went down with my pregnancy?"

He stopped typing and looked at me in confusion. "How do you know that?"

I scoffed "You think I was that gullible and oblivious to all the shit you were doing? Like Giorgi said I wasn’t naïve, I had to be smart; I would swear you belonged to a mafia family. The day of the accident James was going to pull off something big, Don had called you to Vegas as a distraction, I overheard James talking to his 'boss' who I'm guessing was Giorgi. Now it seems they weren't the only ones."

He didn't say anything, just stared at me. "Why didn't you leave me?" He whispered.

I was caught off guard by that question. I wasn’t expecting it at all, I was expecting something along the lines of 'my men have earned my trust' but not that. He didn't seem interested about that information at all.

'Let me take you out to dinner.' He had said. 'Why? So you can take me to your expensive penthouse afterwards, fuck the hell out of me and then kick me out before the sun rises the next morning? I don't think so, I'm good."

He gave a hearty laugh that sent shivers down my spine. "As much as that sounds appealing, I'm good as well. I just want to get to know you a little better and to apologise."

I remembered the day we met, he had spilled coffee on my shirt the morning of an interview I had at a big law firm. I had taken two buses to get there and I didn't get the job anyway. "Apologise for what?" I pretended like it had slipped my mind. He smirked "I'm wounded that you don't remember. How did the interview go?"

I couldn't talk to him for long because I had to rush to bail my brother out of jail and I needed to catch a bus. "It was horrible all thanks to you; I forgot my name for a few minutes because I was thinking of you." I huffed.

He chuckled "Are you trying to flatter me, I admit it might be working." I looked at my watch, "as much as I would love to continue this conversation, let's continue it over dinner I guess. I have to get going." I didn't see him for another week because we didn't have each other's contact details.

I shook my head and sighed, "I-I can't answer that because I don't know myself. I guess I was madly in love with you which sounds crazy considering all the things I've heard about you and all the things I heard you have done to me." I answered truthfully.

“Just because I'm starting to remember some things doesn't mean I remember much about us.”

He looked torn, his laptop deserted. "I would not have blamed you if you left." He sighed, worry evident on his face.

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