Chapter 4: Git Ir' Done

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Author's note: Well, this is it, the awaited game, and it's finally here, Gameday.

Play this song while you read this season opener, and take your time, the song is 8 minutes long.

The Cougars were dressed in Orange and Navy blue, warming up, the Tigers were also warming up for the awaited season opening game. The atmosphere was incredible, Mr. Peabody was even there to support his son, in fact, all of the parents of both teams were there to support their kids or even just to have fun with their friends. Penny's family was there to enjoy watching Sherman play. Penny and her twin sister were at the Student section, who are dressed like their casual wear, only they're in orange and black.

"I can't believe I got dragged into this." Jenifer then said, angrily.

"Well, I'm having fun, so get used to it, Jenifer." Penny then said to her twin, angrily.

"It's Saturday Night! Opening night here in Parks Department Field #3 and I'll tell you this crowd is pumped up!"

Both team captains approach the middle of the field with the ref. The Tigers team captains were Sherman, Goten, and Rallo, the Cougars captains were Vince LaSalle, TJ Detweiller, and Gus Grisswald, the football players have hands clutched as is tradition. They then shook their hands as the ref greeted them.

The referee tossed the coin and the coin landed on heads.

"The Tigers have won the toss, and they have elected to receive, and Sherman's offense is all set!"

The offense was out on the field at the 50, lined up, ready to play football, while the defense was ready to spoil their home opener.

"Blue 80! Red 17! Hut!" The ball was snapped, and the linemen came off the ball, Sherman hands the ball off to Rallo, and due to Steven pulling and blocking the linebacker, Rallo takes this oppertunity to run this up the middle, and to the crowd's excitement, Rallo ran past the Defense and scored the first touchdown of the night.

"Touchdown, Tigers! And the hype about Rallo Tubbs is real as he makes a 50 yard rush to the endzone for his first BFL Touchdown in his career!"

Sherman and his teammates were also excited about the first score of the season, but this was only the beginning of a fun night for our lovable underdog team.

Then, it was the defense's turn go on the field, and they just made an embarrasment of the Cougars' offense first possession, on 1st and 10, TJ was sacked by Ed for a loss of 10, Goten tipped a pass to Vince LaSealle, and not to mention that TJ was sacked by Johnny test for a loss of another 10. TJ was picked off by Linebacker Jimmy Neutron.

For all of the game, it has been a great night for the Tigers, Rallo was running whenever he saw daylight and rushed for 3 touchdowns, Phineas caught a lot of passes for first downs and 2 touchdowns, and as for Sherman, he had a field day that night, throwing for 492 yards, and rushing for 98 yards, one of those rushes was a TD rush. The defense made 6 turnovers happen. One of them was from a interception, 5 of them were from fumbles. It was just a field day for the Tigers offense and Defense. But however, Charlie Brown wasn't having a great night, he only made one extra point kick and that was that, which prompted the Tigers to go for 2 for the whole game.

Late in the 4th quarter-0:20 left

"LET'S GO, TIGERS!" The Bradley crowd then said, after the defense made another stop. The game was in the bag, the Tigers had a commanding lead, 50-0.

Sherman was happy, he had a great night, the team huddled up, and then he said, "Trunks, you're goin' in!"

Kid Trunks smiled to this in surprise, then, the offense except Sherman went out there, with Trunks as their quarterback for the remainder of this game, the Bradley bleachers were still excited.

"And here he comes, folks! The QB Phenom from Big D. Kid Trunks "Youngblood" Briefs!"

The 2 teams lined up and Kid Trunks got ready, and shouted, "42! 33! Hut, hut, HIKE!" The ball was snapped, and Kid Trunks went back to pass, and he found Jimmy at the midfield, wide open, seizing this opportunity, Trunks then threw the ball 50 yards downfield and Jimmy Neutron caught it for a first down, and the crowd cheered in excitement. So did the Tiger players, except Sherman.

The 2 teams lined up again, and Kid Trunks snapped the ball and dropped back to pass and looked downfield, he then threw the ball downfield as the clock ran out...and Gerald Johannsen catches the ball for another touchdown. The Bradley students ran onto the field to celebrate a victorious 1st game of the season.


The Tigers were celebrating the win, but Sherman didn't know what to feel, should he feel happy about the blowout victory or stressed now that he knows that his starting position is in danger of being given to the new QB. Sherman's dad, Mr. Peabody, felt the same way about this.

Tigers locker room, after the game, stop playing the song.

The Tigers celebrate a big win, while Charlie Brown felt a bit bad, Sherman then took him to the office part of the locker room.

"What the heck was that?" Sherman said, a little angry.

"I dunno." Charlie replied.

"You missed a lot of extra points, Charlie Brown."

flashback: Charlie Brown attempting extra points, and failing really badly.

"I understand."

"Look, you have stop worrying about your mother, all you have right now is the short end. You have to do something about it. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to go for 2 for the whole season."

"I lost my confidence!" Charlie yelled, shocking Sherman. "Dad helped me be confident in school, and since then, my confidence dwindled to nothing after he died. I don't know what else to do!"

Sherman knew how Charlie felt, when Sherman became the starter for the Tigers, he was a nervous and panicky quarterback, but with a little training, he became a good QB.

"Meet me out on the field at 6AM tomorrow after film. I'll help you." Sherman then said.

"Yeah." Charlie then said, sadly walking away. Sherman took his seat after a bittersweet night. He has to help Charlie Brown get his confidence back, his starting position on the team is threatened by Kid Trunks, and he has a lot of stress to deal with.

Sorry that this chapter is shorter than the past few, but I want to get on with this story arc!

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