Chapter 8: Crossing the Line

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Act 2 begins.

It was Saturday, September 20th, 1997, 10PM, final seconds of the 4th quarter in the game between Bradley Elementary and Regan Elementary at the Regan Park District. The Tigers were up 48-10, yet the now-benched Sherman Peabody was just standing there in jealousy and disappointment, watching Kid Trunks play a fantastic game as the new Starting Quarterback. All Mr. Peabody could do is sympathize with his heartbroken son. So could Penny's parents.

Later that night, Sherman was in his room, sleeping, trying to shake this off.

The next Monday at school, it was a rainy morning, and it was pouring.

The students entered the school as they entered their classroom, Sherman feels disappointed and forgotten since all the students are liking Kid Trunks a lot more.

Rallo then entered the room, and Dexter fist bumped his classmate and then said, "Nice game last Saturday Night! 584 yards in one game! You are on a roll!"

Rallo replied, "It is what it is, man. I'm just talented."

"Yeah, everyone in school is impressed by your game performance!" Irwin (A teammate) said, excitedly

Sherman was too sad to notice, Penny noticed it. And who could blame her boyfriend for feeling sad? No one.

"Come on, Sherman, I'm sure it's going to be okay." Penny then said, comforting her boyfriend.

"No, I feel like a piece of property." Sherman then said.

"Attention class, PE class will have indoor softball today." The principal then said on the intercom.

"Maybe baseball will cheer you up, Sherman." Penny said. "And not only that, Homecoming Week is slowly approaching, and we've been voted for Homecoming King and Queen."

"I really don't feel like going." Sherman sadly replied.

"Come on, it will be fine." Penny replied.

-PE Class, gymnasium, 11AM-

In the class, Sherman was playing outfield, Penny was the pitcher and her sister was up to the plate.

"Well, that's a dilemma, a person that Jenifer hates is on the mound!" One of Rallo's friends said.

"You're in trouble now, Jenifer! This is what you get for calling Sherman a dog!" Penny then said, smiling tauntingly.

"Sherman is a dog, Penny, you're just another dog like him!" Jenifer insulted her sister. Penny pitched the softball, Jenifer swung the baseball bat and hit the ball to center field, prompting the outfielders, Trunks, Goten, and Sherman to panic slightly.

"I got it!" The boys then said, with Goten and Trunks running towards each other, and then, Sherman fallowed the ball and then made a catch for it.

"Yer out!" The PE Teacher said.

Goten was surprised. He then said, "Wow, that was pretty good!"

Kid Trunks then said, "Yeah, I knew that he was a talented athlete, but this is really new. I never knew that he was talented at Wide Reciever. Kid Trunks smirked at Sherman, getting an idea.

Penny was also stunned.

The kid playing 3rd baseman asked, "Are you surprised?"

Penny and Jenifer were shocked, they have never seen Sherman have the talent of Wide Receiver.

"Actually, yeah." Both twins said. Penny and Jenifer didn't see this coming.

-Parking Lot, after Practice, 6PM-

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