Chapter 10: There Goes The Neighborhood!

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Author's note: Now where were we?

Milton Boarding Elementary School, Principal's office.

Nobody was in there, nothing but office supplies and furniture, the phone rang repeatedly, until the message started to play.

"Stanford, I know that you're still angry at me, but I need help with all the bills around the Mystery Shack, I'm not making enough money and I need to pay the bills, otherwise, I'm gonna lose the Shack." Grunkle Stan then said on the phone.

4:20PM, Practice, Tigers' PE Boys Locker Room.

Sherman and his teammates were heading to their Lockers to get ready for practice, after 1 and a half hours of watching film from the Tomahawks/Lions Game from Last Week.

Kid Trunks and Goten opened the door to the locker room, which was consisted of walls that were painted black and orange lockers and carpet that was colored in orange/black/grey stripes.

But when they went into the locker room, they noticed something that they didn't expect to see, their lockers full of pranked objects.

"Yeah, that's really adorable." Phineas sarcastically said.

Phineas' locker was full of rusty old car parts, Sherman's locker had a bee hive in it, Charlie Brown's locker was full of a broken ant-farm filled with red ants.

"Real nice." Rallo then sarcastically said, looking at his cleats filled with water. They all knew it came from Willis elementary, apparently, people like to prank people whenever it comes to division rivalry week.

Then the players were about to return the favor and prank the other team, but Charlie Brown then yelled, "Hey!"

The team turned its attention to him and Sherman, and the 2 boys are angry.

"What the heck are you doing? You can't just do this!" Sherman angrily said.

"Woah, why shouldn't we prank these jerks?" Irwin then said.

A Teammate named Ed then said, "They filled my cleats with Buttered toast! I eat those!"

"Because, If you stoop to their level, you're no better than they are!" Charlie Brown then said.

"He's right, we're supposed to be good guests, no matter how pathetic and childish these pranks are, we have to rise above that, now get out of this locker and don't even think about pranking anyone on that team." Sherman angrily said.

4:30PM, Practice, field near the playground.

The Tomahawks were practicing their plays for the upcoming game on Friday Night, wheras the tigers were in their casual clothes, waiting for the Willis Tomahawks to end their practice.

Dipper then asked, "Why the heck do we have to wait for these idiots to end?"

Wallabe then said to his teammate, "Nigel, make sure you get to the outside!"

Sherman then walked up to Wallabe and said,"Hey, it's almost 4:45, Wallabe."

"Okay, fine, whatever." Wallabe then said.

"Listen, I really appreciate you being here, but I'd also appreciate it if your team plays your part as well." Sherman then quietly said.

"It was just a harmless prank." Wallabe replied.

"Well, at least stop with the pranks before something spirals out of control." Sherman said, worried.

Wallabe nodded, and then said to his team, "Film time, boys! Lets let these ladies have their dance floor."

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