Chapter 14: Expectations

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Author's note: Another chapter for the big rivalry between Milton and Bradley, the biggest BFL rivalry in Texas is finally here for the small town of Meadowbrook, 9-year old Big Gino Abelli vs. the 7-year old rookie phenom himself, Kid Trunks "Top Gun" Briefs! This Chapter's guest star is Mabel and Dipper's great uncle, Grunkle Ford at Vegeta's dinner party!

The Tiger players have been working their tail off all week for the biggest game of the season, their arch rival in a battle of the unbeatens, they've been going through the game playbook and the film from the past meeting against their arch rival.

"Friday Night, you're going to be challenged like you have never been challenged before." Sherman then said, seriously.

Sherman looked at the Lions' formation notes he took while watching the Milton/Bradley 1996 game film.

"The question flying around town is, "Can the Milton Lions be beat?" Do we have the resources they have? Do we have the Booster dollars they have, the experience they have? Yeah, we do. Are we playing on the college field? Yes, we are. Not only that, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Preparation, preparation, preparation." Sherman then said, once again taking this seriously.

During lunch, the Tigers would look over their game playbook.

Wednesday Afternoon, after Practice, 5:30PM

Sherman stood before his teammates, who were taking a knee in front of him. Sherman had a serious look on his face.

"We are going to stack our strengths up against their weaknesses, 'cause I'm gonna tell you something, while the Milton Lions are over on the Northwest part of this town, preparing for their Halloween feast, getting their little fancy soirees together, dreaming about their #1 seed, well, by God, we're going to be on this field right here, physically and mentally preparing for one thing and one thing only, and that is beating the Milton Lions." Sherman then said, prompting the teammates to agree.

"Now listen to me. Listen to me. You look around at each other right now, you look at each other and you ask yourselves, bros, because it is time, "What kind of a man am I?" Because Friday, October 24th, 1997, there will be a bond formed between and among you that will never be broken. I will not be proven wrong on that. Do I think that we can beat the Milton Lions? Not only do I think we can beat the Milton Lions. I know darn well we can beat the Milton Lions. The question is, do you think that we can beat the Milton Lions?"

"YES, SIR!" The teammates then said.

"Then show me!" Sherman said excitedly, the team was excited as they broke it down.

"GO TIGERS!" The team said.

Wednesday Night, Peabody Manor, 6PM

Sherman was watching the news about the big game between Milton and Bradley after finishing up on his homework.

"In state news, there's only 3 undefeated BFL teams left in the Backyard Football League, and 2 of them are going at it on Friday as the Bradley Tigers and the Milton Lions are about to go head to head for the conference championship, the #1 seed, and an unbeaten record!" The Newscaster then said.

"Well, Sherman, I got your new report card and it's straight 100%'s again, A pluses in all of your classes! I'm impressed." Mr. Peabody then said, happily holding Sherman's report card. "And even though you've been exausted all of the school quarter, I'm proud of your commitment."

"Yeah, but this is going to be a long Friday. Because Penny's father is going to the game, he's been through an awful lot this Friday afternoon, and if we lose, would I end up letting Penny and her family down, or even the entire school down?" Sherman then said, worriedly.

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