Chapter 13: The Right Hand of the Father

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Author's note: It's finally here, the rivalry game of the season, Milton vs. Bradley, it is based on the Midland Lee/Odessa Permian rivalry from Friday Night Lights. And the Milton Lions are also undefeated. But for now, lets see how homecoming is going.

The school was enjoying their homecoming dance on Saturday in the gymnasium, and in the cafeteria, Sherman and Penny were in there, having dinner. And after the long week, they were having a vegetarian dinner, well Penny was, while Sherman was having a meal fit for a king.

"I can't believe you didn't want to go to the dance floor yet!" Penny then said.

"Well, you know me. I kinda like sitting on the sidelines sometimes." Sherman then said.

"And Mr. Peabody is comfortable with you being a wide receiver?" Penny replied.

"Yeah, the time for old things is over, time for new beginnings!" Sherman said, excitedly.

"You're a big star, Broly would even be proud of you. You're probably the biggest star in West Texas." Penny smiled.

"Yeah, it's weird, huh." Sherman then said.

"You'll probably get tons of peer pressure for going to the championship."

"What else is new?"

"And I probably won't be able to see you anymore." Penny then closed her eyes in sadness.

Sherman then said sympathetically, "No, you will still see me. There are more important things than football, but there is nothing more important to me than you, Penny."

"Thanks." Penny then said.

"Sherman," Jenifer then entered, having a guilty look on her face.

"Jenifer, what do you want?" Sherman then said, angrily.

"It wasn't his fault."

"What do you mean?"

"It was my fault. I was so angry about not being able to go to Milton, I did something unforgiving. I was the one who tripped Penny by her feet and made her kiss Kid Trunks. Then you came in and... And I'm just trying to say it was my fault. I wanted to go to Milton because I met a friend named "Big" Gino Abelli, and we were close until I got enrolled in Bradley Elementary. And I wanted to see him again, but I was never able to." Jenifer then said, shedding some tears.

Sherman couldn't believe what he was hearing, all this time, all this time, Penny's twin was just taking out her frustration on her sister and Sherman. Jenifer then left, in sadness.

-Dance floor-

The final dance was going on and the couples were dancing, while Jenifer and Kid Trunks were being shy about the dance floor,

Earth angel, earth angel
Please be mine

As the song progressed, the 2 kids then stepped closer.

And the 2 finally were standing next to each other.

"Promise you won't hurt your sister again?" Kid Trunks then said.

"I won't." Jenifer replied.

And the 2 finally danced with each other.

My darling dear
Love you all the time
I'm just a fool
A fool in love with you

Helga was dressed formally, and was standing all alone at the fruit punch area, and then, Charlie Brown then arrived, hastily.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm late." Charlie Brown then said.

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