Chapter 20: A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

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Friday morning, Phineas and Ferb's home, 6:00AM

Phineas was getting out of bed after sleeping not very well, then, he noticed a paper note and it said, "Call me! XOXO" And a number from Hilda Pataki, Helga's cousin.

"Well, gotta get up." Phineas then said. The door bell rang, and Lawrence then said, "Phineas! Mabel! It's Dipper."

Mabel and Phineas headed to the door and noticed Dipper was in a unsatisfied mood.

"Mabel, you have to come home!" Dipper angrily said.

"Get lost, Dipper, I'm spending time with my new friends, Rachel and Bella!" Mabel then said. "I'm not part of the Pines Family anymore, I'm a Flynn now!"

"Ugh, quit pretending you're something you're not." Dipper then said.

"I know exactly who I am. I wasted years in that double-wide trailer you call a Shack. Stan has given me nothing but grief and I deserve everything!" Mabel angrily said, shocking Dipper

"Excuse me? Stan has given you nothing? You... betrayer. Mabel, you are coming home with me if I have to drag you out." Dipper angrily said.

"Can I speak to you outside?" Phineas then said. Phineas grabbed Dipper by the collar and the 2 walked to the garage door.

"See why she doesn't wanna come home? Because she's clearly hurt!" Phineas then said.

"It's not my fault that Grunkle Stan hasn't got the necessary help with his gambling problem!" Dipper then said.

"Just give her a while, she's just furious with her Grunkle and she can't talk to him right now." Phineas stated.

"It has been a while! I've tried to be patient, but enough is enough!" Dipper shouted.

"Well, if your Grunkle wants Mabel to move back in, then he'll have to tell her himself!" Phineas said, losing patience.

"Fine." Dipper then said, walking away.

Friday evening, outside of Tech State U, it's a rainy afternoon.

Vegeta's car was pulling up behind the stadium, and he looked at his son.

"Listen closely, are you listening?" Vegeta then demanded.

"Yeah, I just sent a text to Jenifer. I just got it, she's there at the student section." Kid Trunks replied.

"I thought I told you-" Vegeta then angrily said, and then he calmed down and said, "Look, that's besides my point, in the rain, you always make sure you have ball control, you make sure that you run the football tonight."

"Vegeta, I think he gets it. When it rains, the ball gets slippery." Bulma then said, chuckling. Her son laughed as well.

"Right." Vegeta then said. He then turned his attention back to his son, "Anyway, you make sure that most of the time, you hand off the ball unless it's a gimme, if you need to pass the ball, you make sure you have short routes. You do that, your team is goin' to the championship. Got it?"

"Yeah." Kid Trunks then said, walking out of the car.

Inside the stadium, 3 quarters later, 4th quarter, 1:00 remaining left in the quarter, Texas BFL Semifinal: Staubach Elementary (Arlen, Texas) vs. Bradley Elementary (Meadowbrook, Texas)

It was a back and forth contest between the 2 teams, in the first half, it was more of a defensive showdown, but in the 2nd half, it immediately turned into a offensive showdown, in the 2nd half, both teams traded points, with Kid Trunks throwing for 208 yards and 2 touchdowns, Rallo rushing for 389 yards and a touchdown, and with Sherman Peabody catching one of the touchdown passes, he also recieved for 79 yards tonight.

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