Chapter 7: Every Rose Has Its Thorn

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A week later, September 14th, 1997, 9:03AM, Peabody Manor backyard

Sherman and his friends were in the backyard on a beautiful Sunday Morning. Sherman was practicing throwing a few quarterback passes through an old tire swing, while listening to the radio.

"A showdown last night ended in a 39-24 win for the Tigers hosting the Washington Elementary Wolves last night! Sherman has made a few mistakes, throwing for 108 yards, rushing for 24 yards, throwing 4 interceptions, and only 1 touchdowns, causing the Tigers to be down 14-22 at the end of the 1st half, and once Kid Trunks came in for the rest of the game, he managed to throw for 290 yards, 3 touchdowns and rushed for 23 yards."

Sherman threw the ball harder as he heard the news story, getting angrier about each turnover he threw by mistake, each time he got sacked, each time the crowed booed at him for each turnover he threw.

Mason then said embarrassingly , "Ugh, the humiliation."

Sherman then glared at his friends and said, "Really?"

Mason then said, "Sorry, but you need to relax a bit."

"How can I? Everyone in town thinks I'm a has-been, Mason. I don't know what to do." Sherman said, wiping some sweat off his forehead.

"Sherman, Mason's right. It's just a game." Carl then said.

"Easy for you to say, this is Texas Football we're talking about, Carl. All of the peer pressure's on me to lead this team to the championship." Sherman replied.

"Pull the slot machine and elbow the midget in the face. You understand though, You're always going to be a Tiger in your heart." Dexter then replied, catching a football that Sherman threw.

"Do you think it's a bad sign that Penny hasn't called me yet?" Sherman said, while Dexter and the guys started to play catch with each other.

"Probably a terrible sign, you turned down an offer to have lunch with Penny at the park this afternoon after your game last night." Mason then said.

"But I was sad that night, I just needed time to myself." Sherman said, shrugging.

"But aren't you supposed to rise above that?" Dexter asked.

Pines household, the living room, 12PM

Dipper, Rallo, Goten, Charlie Brown, Phineas and Gerald were there, having a team meeting.

"The Main reason I called you here is because we need to do something about the QB situation that we're stuck with. Sherman's still playing decently fair, he has 2 years under his belt and Trunks is just a rookie QB. I dunno, it would break the kid's heart." Dipper then said.

"Look, we can't keep switching between QBs all season, the town wants us to choose between Sherman or Kid Trunks, it's like as if we're picking life or death." Phineas then said.

"Well, as if things are already bad enough. Grunkle Stan doesn't have enough money to pay the bills around the Mystery Shack." Dipper then said, sadly.

"If it means going to the playoffs, then we don't have a choice." Goten then said. He then got the home phone and dialed Peabody's number.

Peabody Manor, 12:01PM

"Hello?" Mr. Peabody answered on the phone.

"Mr. Peabody? We need to see Sherman. It's a serious matter." Goten then said.

"Look, I know that Kid Trunks has a lot of talent, but that doesn't mean anything, Sherman will get this job to get his team to the BFL championship done, give him a chance." Mr. Peabody then said.

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