Epilogue: I was Living in a Devil Town

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-The next morning, 5:30AM-

The team then walked over to their bus, ready to go home, Kid Trunks was about to get on the bus, but Mr. Peabody and Sherman stopped him.

"Great job." Sherman said.

"Alright, thanks for letting me redeem myself." Trunks said.

"You're welcome. Now if you ever act like you did in the first half on the field next season, I will suspend you, and that's a promise. But for now, you owe me an apology." Sherman then replied.

It was hard for Trunks to deal with what happened this week, especially after nearly costing a tough game in the playoffs, he managed to redeem himself.

"Tell you what, we'll make a deal, if you can host a Christmas Party at Chili's on Christmas Eve, we'll call it even."

Both boys then walked into the bus, and as Sherman was about to get on the bus, Mr. Peabody then said, "Sherman, wait." Sherman stopped in his tracks. Mr. Peabody looked hesitant and then said, "I love you, Sherman."

I was livin' in a devil town...

Didn't know it was a devil town....

Oh, lord, it really brings me down about the devil town...

As soon as Sherman heard those words, he then turned his exhausted face into a heartwarmed smile, for the first time in 7 years; he finally heard his parental figure say the phrase "I love you". Sherman then replied, "I have deep regard for you as well, Mr. Peabody."

The dog father then smiled, the 2 finally embraced each other in a hug, and then after a few seconds, Sherman then heard Goten shout, "Dude! What are you waiting for?"

All my friends were vampires...

Didn't know they were vampires....

Turns out I was a vampire myself in the devil town....

Sherman finally got on the bus, and Mr. Peabody went to his car, and the busses for Meadowbrook headed home.

I was livin' in a devil town...

Didn't know it was a devil town....

Oh, lord, it really brings me down about the devil town...

When they got back home, there was a huge celebration for the Bradley Tigers, the entire town's youth population was so proud of their school for bringing home a trophy. Sherman couldn't be any happier; he earned back the trust of his town, his team, and secured his town's dream.

(Cue Guitar solo)

As for Dipper's family, Grunkle Stan turned the Mystery Shack into a Tiger and Dragon Shack, having Meadowbrook Dragon and Bradley Tiger football fan gear for the students of Bradley Elementary and Meadowbrook High School, and it was a success. Because of that, Phineas, Ferb and Dipper were still able to work on Pines' Gears and Flynn's Rigs. Grunkle Stan was able to pay the bills around the Shack.

Penny and Jenifer became closer to their boyfriends, Penny and Sherman continued their relationship for quite some time, Kid Trunks continued his relationship with Jenifer ever since Vegeta decided to not pressure him to focus on school and football, he has finally decided to respect his son's privacy, even though it may take a while for Kid Trunks to forgive his father for what he's done.

All my friends were vampires...

Didn't know they were vampires....

Turns out I was a vampire myself in the devil town....

I was livin' in a devil town...

Didn't know it was a devil town....

Oh, lord, it really brings me down about the devil town...

For Charlie Brown, he finally has his confidence back, he climbed the mountain of confidence, he kicked a game winning field goal for the season finale, he helped with being on defense and kicking team, and he finally feels like a winner again.

about the devil town...

No one in the town couldn't believe it, the Bradley Tigers of Meadowbrook, Texas were Backyard Football Champions for the first time in the season.

BRADLEY TIGERS, Playoffs: 1922, 1949, 1950, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997.
Conference Champions: 1950, 1963, 1967, 1976, 1983, 1988, 1991, and 1997.
Final four, 1950, 1959, 1963, 1968, 1988, 1997
Texas BFL runner-ups: 1950.
Texas BFL State Champions: 1997

After the celebration, the team took one last glance at their wall of fame, smiling at their accomplishment. Even Sherman's friends were there.

"Gonna miss the heat." Charlie Brown said.

"Gonna miss you, buddy." Sherman said.

"Hopefully we can have another great offseason." Goten said.

"Have a good holiday weekend." Sherman then said. "Be perfect."

"You be perfect." Charlie Brown then replied. The boys left, but Sherman decided to stay for a few minutes.

Dexter then smiled and then quietly chuckled. "What a season." He said, quietly. He then started to walk home,

"They took a team that was battered, a town that had dreams, and not only did Sherman and Trunks put a band-aid over it, they healed it." Chuck Downfield said on the radio.

"Now the biggest question is for the 1998 season, will the Tigers go back to the championship and once again win it? Or will it be a Cinderella story for the BFL team?" Vinnie the Gooch also said on the radio.

While the season may have already ended, another one has begun. Everywhere, people young were dreaming of heroes.

The end.

Gameday: A Town, A Team, A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now