Chapter 18: I Knew You When

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Author's Note: And Now, act 2's finale!

4th grade classroom, after school,

Charlie Brown was waiting for Helga.

"Well, why did you wanted to see me?" Charlie Brown then asked.

"Well, remember how you wanted to help me?" Helga then said.

"I'm flattered that you want help from me, but why couldn't you get any help from your classmates?" Charlie Brown then said, curiously.

"I have 1 friend and she's busy studying for the science test on next Thursday." Helga then said, while leaving.

"Harold, did you notice Helga threaten that kid who took her lunch seat this afternoon?" One of her classmates then said.

"Yeah, who does she think she is? Madam Fortess Mommy?" Another classmate then said.

"Ugh, why is she ever so rude?" Another one of her classmates said.

Charlie Brown was surprised by what they were saying about Helga.

Helga could be classified as a tomboy,She can also be very cynical and bossy, bullying her 4th-grade classmates with an iron fist, and often taking advantage of her best friend, Phoebe, making her a bit of a spoiled brat. However, Helga also has a much softer side, which becomes apparent when she is alone and involved in her school work. She is very emotional, and as such, able to comprehend a spectrum of emotions such as love and hate. Although Helga is seen as a "tough girl" by her classmates, she is frequently the first to go into hysterics in times of crisis. She has also been known to be somewhat materialistic.

-Thursday afternoon, Highland Greens-

"It's the first game of the playoffs for the Milton Lions as they battle the Howard Cougars, a heavy favorite for tonight's game."

The air was electric in the High School stadium of Highland Greens on October 30th, 1997, the stands were packed, the sidelines were pumped for the first playoff game of the BFL season.

Gino was pumping up his teammates.

"We got 4 quarters to play your hearts out, boys, you understand that?" Gino then said, motivatingly.

"YES, SIR!" His teammates then said, hyped for the game, Jenifer was at the game, but dressed formally, only because she's an honorary captain and she gets to call the coin toss.

Gino then walked over to Penny's identical twin sister and said, ""When we win the toss, we wanna go defense, so that means we're kicking the ball!"

"Okay, Gino." Jenifer then said.

The 2 groups of team captains walked up to each other and met on midfield.

The referee then said, "Jenifer Peterson, as honorary captain, she's gonna call the toss. We have heads and we have tails, what are you gonna call?"

"Tails," Jenifer replied, smiling.

"Okay, the call is tails," The coin was tossed, and it landed on tails, and the Ref then said, "Okay, it's tails. What would you like to do?"

"Uh, we will take the ball, offense. Have a great game!" Jenifer then said before leaving.

"Wait, dork, we wanted defense!" Kevin then said, but Jenifer was already leaving.

"What'd she say? What'd she say?" Gino then said.

"Offense." Stumpy replied.

"OFFENSE?!" Gino shockingly yelled. "Change of plans! Change of Plans, listen up!"

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